ALL ABOUT DOGS: Fourth of July fireworks, celebrations can confuse or even terrify Fluffy

In general it's a good idea to shield your dog from fireworks as best you can. The loud noises and odd smells emanating from Fourth of July celebrations can terrify your dog.
In general it's a good idea to shield your dog from fireworks as best you can. The loud noises and odd smells emanating from Fourth of July celebrations can terrify your dog.

Question: We have an adopted a dog and this is our first Fourth of July with her. What sort of precautions should we be aware of for this holiday?

Answer: I think the first thing to consider has to do with fireworks. My dog is pretty steady around random fireworks in my neighborhood, but I have seen her get anxious when we're out for a walk and there is a succession of loud noises from pyrotechnics. In general, it's a good idea to shield your dog from fireworks across the board as best you can. The loud noises and odd smells emanating from fireworks make no sense to Fluffy, and in many cases terrify your dog.

Gregg Flowers
Gregg Flowers

The Humane Society reports that July 5 is the busiest day of the year for shelters. Many panicked dogs simply flee into the night and are either lost, injured ... or worse. That said, I would suggest keeping your dog indoors the entire day. And if you're not going to be home at night when fireworks activity is the greatest, it makes sense to confine your dog to her favorite room with the drapes drawn and some "white noise" from a fan.

If your dog lives outside and he can't come in for this one evening, make sure he has good identification that includes your phone number because dogs will sometimes panic from fireworks and run off.

Loose fireworks themselves can be hazardous to a curious dog. They can contain a number of toxic substances such as arsenic, potassium nitrate, and other heavy metals. If you're going to a fireworks display, leave your dog at home. The combination of a giant crowd of strangers and unusual, loud noises, simply is not a great environment for Fluffy.

If you’re planning a day at the beach or lake, be sure about Fluffy's swimming ability. Not all breeds are natural swimmers. If you’re on a boat, she should have a life jacket. Even playing in the waves could be hazardous for some dogs. If your dog ingests too much saltwater, it can lead to an electrolyte imbalance and possible seizures.

If you're bringing Flufyy to your 4th of July party, be careful about random food and drinks. A naturally curious dog may decide to sample an unattended cocktail. Even beer can be toxic and it's not unheard of for a dog to become dangerously intoxicated and go into respiratory failure or slip into a coma.

I would minimize the amount of "cute" adornments you may want to put on your dog for the 4th, too. Dogs sometimes have a tendency to get these off and eat them. And while not necessarily highly toxic, excessive drooling and gastrointestinal irritation can result from eating random accoutrements, not to mention a potential intestinal blockage.

Citronella products contain toxins irritating to dogs and, if ingested, can harm her nervous system, and if inhaled, can cause severe respiratory illnesses. Do not put insect repellent not specifically designed for pet use on your dog. DEET, a common insecticide, can cause neurological damage. Likewise, as I've mentioned before, don't use sunscreen on your dog that's not designed for her. PABA and zinc, two common sunscreen ingredients, are harmful to Fluffy

Your grill can be dangerous even before it's lit. Lighter fluid is an irritant, and can aggravate your dog's skin. If she ingests some, it can cause significant gastric problems, central nervous system depression, and other issues. Even inhalation of the fumes can cause breathing problems.

This really just comes down to being an aware, conscientious guardian,

Originally from Louisiana, Gregg Flowers is a local dog trainer who “teaches dogs and trains people.” Contact him at or

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: GREGG FLOWERS: July 4th celebrations can confuse or even terrify Max