Donald Trump Assassination Donations Allegedly Taking Place On The Dark Web

Donald Trump assassination donations
Donald Trump assassination donations

Donald Trump assassination donations are reportedly currently being received on the dark web, also known as Darknet, according to a report from CSO, an affiliate of IDG (Internet Data Group) Enterprise.

A link for the donation website is provided, though because it’s only available on the dark web, the average internet user will likely have trouble accessing it.

#latergram Meanwhile, in East Dulwich… ????????????#trumpisachump

A photo posted by Gemma Thomas (@gemma_thomas__) on Nov 13, 2016 at 1:42am PST

Vice president-elect Mike Pence’s assassination is also allegedly being called for by the website creators, and according to the report, it appears the group’s justification in asking for Donald Trump assassination donations is that they believe too much power in the hands of Trump and Pence will have a devastating impact on the country.

“‘As you are all well aware, the consequences of having Donald Trump and Mike Pence as the leaders of the free world is extremely dangerous. The political, environmental and social consequences will change the United States for the worst,’ the website says.”

The author of the message does not provide any information to support his or her outlook regarding a Trump presidency, but the message is not something the general populace has not heard before. Prior to Election Day, Donald’s main opponent Hillary Clinton said she thought he was the most dangerous person ever to run for president of the United States, as reported by U.K.’s Independent. Of course, Clinton never advocated for a Donald Trump assassination.

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Donald Trump Assassination Donations Allegedly Taking Place On The Dark Web is an article from: The Inquisitr News