Donald Trump Says ‘Fake News’ Won’t Show His Rally’s Crowd Size As CNN Displays Split-Screen Of The Crowd

Donald Trump Says 'Fake News' Won't Show His Rally's Crowd Size As CNN Displays Split-Screen Of The Crowd
Donald Trump Says 'Fake News' Won't Show His Rally's Crowd Size As CNN Displays Split-Screen Of The Crowd

Donald Trump told attendants at his Friday rally that the so-called “fake news” outlets would not show the size of the crowd — as CNN displayed a split-screen of the entire crowd.

Trump traveled to Alabama on Friday to stump for Luther Strange, who is competing in Tuesday’s Republican runoff primary in the race to fill the U.S. Senate seat held by Jeff Sessions. Trump has taken to Twitter to endorse Strange and took the show to Huntsville for Friday’s rally, where Trump’s speech turned to one of his favorite topics — bashing the media.

During the rally, Trump attacked what he called the “fake news media” and claimed that frequent target CNN would not have the guts to show the crowd size.

“They won’t show this,” Trump said to cheers. “They’ll say, ‘Donald Trump spoke to a small crowd in Alabama last night. It was a small crowd.'”

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