Donald Trump Thanks Himself In Third Person In Tweet Bragging About Lower Gas Prices

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Donald Trump wants everyone to know who to thank for lowering gas prices: Donald Trump.

On Sunday, the president took to Twitter to share his thoughts on a variety of topics, from the rights of asylum seekers to protests taking place in France. One of those tweets touched on falling gas prices, which Trump seemed to thank himself for while referring to himself as “President T.”

The tweet is the latest example of Donald Trump referring to himself in the third person in tweets congratulating himself. The practice has raised some eyebrows, and it’s apparently a tactic he uses in real life as well. Earlier this year, Bill Gates shared a story about an encounter with Donald Trump in which the president spoke about himself in the third person and failed to understand the difference between HPV and HIV.

In a clip posted to Twitter, Gates talked about the strange encounter:

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