Don't let garden pests drive toxic tactics

The last time that I checked my garden, I noticed an infestation of the dreaded squash bug.

Oh, how I hate them.

My first inclination is always to find the most toxic spray that I can find and kill them all. But after I regain my senses, I always go back to my training and remember that using the most toxic spray is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Using the most toxic pesticide most likely will upset the natural scheme of predators that keep other pests under control. Further, toxic sprays are equal opportunity killers, they will kill the squash bugs but they will also kill the pollinators and “good” bugs. Without pollinators a successful and productive garden is impossible.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) System is a science-based approach to pest control. The goal of which is not eradicate pests, but to eliminate pest problems. See; Texas Master Gardener Handbook, Seventh Edition.

IPM not only solves some of the problems that pesticide overuse cases, it also is more effective and economical than relying solely on routine chemical applications.

When thinking about implementing an IPM strategy, think of a pyramid. A pyramid with a strong base of cultural and sanitation practices. This encourages healthy plants while denying pests their preferred habit. Cultural practices include preparing the soil properly, choosing plants that are resistant to pests, and applying appropriate water and nutrients so that the plants are strong. Sanitation practices include pruning diseased or dead plant parts, destroying the places where pests overwinter, and keeping weeds to a minimum.

After implementing the strong base of the IPM pyramid, we move toward a level of physical and mechanical control tactics. This level of an IPM strategy involves using barriers and traps. Using mulches and barriers are a way to reduce weeds therefore reducing places for pests to live. Mulch helps maintain a consistent moisture level, which helps to keep plants strong.

Once that IPM level is in place, biological controls are used. Biological control means using beneficial insects to control pests. The most common example of this is when we use lady bugs to help control aphids.

Only after having implemented these levels of an Integrated Pest Management System, do you look towards pesticides. Pesticides should be the smallest component of your IPM system.

Always, read the label every time you use the pesticide - “The Label is the Law.” Wear protective clothing when applying pesticides. Be aware the weather conditions. If you apply pesticides on these windy days that we have been experiencing lately, the pesticide will not go where you intend it to go and will not be as effective as it should be. Always use the least toxic product for the job.

Some of the goals of an IPM strategy are to maintain pest populations to acceptable levels, modifying the gardener landscape to make it less hospitable for pests, and timing sprays and other interventions to have the maximum effect on the pest and a minimal impact on the environment.

Lastly, a good IPM system involves constant monitoring, so that a gardener can spot a problem before it is out of control.

As far as my squash bugs, I think that it is just time for the squash plants to be removed from the garden. Once the plants are removed, I will try to make the prepare the soil and create an environment as inhospitable for a squash bug as I can!

The Taylor County Extension Office is a great resource when battling pests. Contact them if you need help identifying a problem. Go to Also, Let us, Big Country Master Gardeners, know if you have any questions.

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Sarah Adams is a member of Big Country Master Gardeners.

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: Don't let garden pests drive toxic tactics