Don't make rash decisions. Follow these tips to avoid or treat poison ivy

Many readers have asked me if I will cover their worst outdoor problem of the warm-weather seasons — poison ivy. Each of them launched into a perfectly horrible story about their encounter with this plant. Many ended with the adage from their parents or grandparents, "Leaves three, let them be." This is only partly true. Many plants have three leaves, and poison ivy has different looks at different times of the year. Another not-so-true old saying is "Berries of white, take flight."

Walking in the fields and woods of northwestern Pennsylvania, I know that I have been exposed to it yet never had a problem. Poison Ivy can grow just about anywhere: In your yard, a wooded field near your home, on Presque Isle State Park or along the roadside, among others.

Your best defense is to recognize it when you are out and about.

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How do you spot poison ivy?

Sometimes these plants make it difficult to determine if they are poison ivy. Some plants have leaves with notched edges. On others, the leaves' edges are smooth. It can grow as a bush, small tree, wildflower or vine. It can climb the sides of buildings or up trees. In addition, the plants are reddish in the spring, green in the summer and yellow, orange, or red in the fall.

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Seven tips for avoiding poisonous plants

● Steer clear of areas where you know they grow.

● Cover up with long pants and long leeves, socks and closed shoes.

● Wash any clothes that encounter these plants as soon as possible.

● If you get exposed, wash your skin with soap and warm water to remove the plant's oils.

● Scrub under your nails. You can spread the poison to other parts of your body if the oil is under your fingernails.

● If you think your pet has rolled around in or near the plants, put on rubber gloves and bathe your pet with pet shampoo.

● Golfers should wash their clubs periodically. The poison can remain potent for as long as five years.

What are the signs of poison ivy poisoning?

Poison-ivy rash occurs when the plant's toxin, urushiol (one of the world's deadliest natural poisons), encounters skin. It is a condition portrayed by swelling, blisters, pain, and an astonishing amount of itching. Sometimes there may be a fever, an intense burning sensation, and many red bumps on the skin. Another less-known fact is the symptoms can appear within a few hours — or not appear for up to 10 days. The rash spreads rapidly by scratching the affected area, touching other parts of the body or getting the poison on your clothing.

More: Heed warning to leave poison ivy alone

Treating a poison ivy rash

Use a cold compress, calamine lotion, non-prescription hydrocortisone cream or an antihistamine to ease the itching. Call a doctor if the rash is near your eyes or covers a large part of your body.

There are also a few natural remedies that might be used for some relief.

Baking soda baths and pastes

Organic apple cider vinegar: Apply a teaspoon directly to the infected skin, or make a warm vinegar compress using a thin towel.

Aloe vera gel: This is an ancient curative remedy for the skin and should be applied directly to the infected area.

Banana peel: As strange as it might sound, a banana peel has the power to help stop some of the itching. Just rub the inside of the peel on the affected area.

Do these odd and old-time remedies work? Some people believe in them and use them. However, severe cases of infection should be treated by trained professionals. Use of any of the natural treatments should not replace your doctor's advice. Poison ivy infection is a serious problem, and you should treat it as such.

See you at the park!

Gene Ware is the author of 10 books. He serves on the board of the Presque Isle Light Station and is past chairman of the boards of the Tom Ridge Center Foundation and the Presque Isle Partnership. Email him at

Gene Ware
Gene Ware

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Poison ivy is rampant around Erie. Here's how to ID, avoid and treat it