Doug Steinhardt: Let's make New Jersey safer and more affordable | Opinion

I spent a fair amount of time traveling the state of New Jersey. Probably more than most. As chairman of the New Jerset Republican Party, I was determined to dig into every part of this state with the goal of making New Jersey a better place to work, live and raise a family.

My parents raised my sister and me in rural Warren County, in the heart of Legislative District 23, on the same farm my parents live on today. The simple lessons they taught us revolved around respect and responsibility, and my dad had an equally simple remedy for life’s ills: sweat. Got a cold? We’ll sweat it out of you  The flu? We’ll sweat it out of you. It wasn’t the cure for teenage appendicitis, but having a bad day? Let’s chop a tree. We’ll sweat it out of you.

We learned that hard work was a remedy for most of life’s maladies, and the same is true today, if you want to save New Jersey. If you want make this a state where multiple generations can afford to stay together and live as a community. If we’re going to dig New Jersey out of debt and difficulty, it’s going to take hard work and the courage to make tough choices.

First, that means spending within our means and making sacrifices when we must, instead of excuses when we can. The massive debt being passed on to our kids isn’t the answer. Democrats like President Joe Biden and Gov. Phil Murphy spend tax dollars like they’re going out of style. So, we carry the burden of out-of-control taxes and higher prices on everyday goods. As state senator, I will fight against higher taxes and runaway liberal spending to make New Jersey an affordable place to live and raise a family.

The New Jersey State House in Trenton, N.J., Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021.
The New Jersey State House in Trenton, N.J., Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021.

Next, let’s leave politics for the statehouse and get it out of the schoolhouse. The left’s radical political agenda is seeping into our schools and families with medical mandates, critical race theory and woke gender curriculums. I will fight to make sure parents decide how they raise their children, what they put into their bodies and make sure they have a choice in what their children are taught, how and by whom. We need to get back to the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, STEM programs that prepare our kids for the future and make them among the best educated and most competitive in the nation.Third, I come from a family of sportsmen and lifetime NRA members, and we know that gun owners are under constant attack from the left. I will always support the Second Amendment and only entertain common sense gun laws that punish illegal gun crime and promote and protect legal gun owners.Fourth, I plan to continue the legacy of former state Sen. Michael Doherty’s conservative leadership. I believe in the sanctity of life and will fight for common sense laws that respect science and protect the unborn.

Our cops need a champion in the statehouse and leaders who are tough on crime. I support our police and first responders. I will always fight for policies that Back the Blue and I’m not shy about standing up for the men and women who serve and protect us. As a state Senator, I will focus on ending the Murphy/Biden soft-on-crime policies that make every community less safe. I support laws that punish New Jersey’s criminals, not protect and reward them.

Finally, and importantly, I will prioritize pro-American policies that incentivize American industry and put you and your family first, always. I will fight to reestablish New Jersey’s place as a business leader, attract good-paying jobs to our district, and grow the economy the right way, through hard work and competition, giving every family willing to work for it a path to the American dream.

Together, our little corner of New Jersey can show the rest of this state a path forward. I look forward to the challenges of the Legislature. I look forward to working with the senators — from both parties — for one common goal: to make New Jersey a safe and affordable place to call home.

Douglas J. Steinhardt represents the 23rd Legislative district, which includes parts of Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren counties, in the New Jersey Senate.

Douglas Steinhardt, a former NJ Republican gubernatorial candidate, was hired as legal counsel for the Sussex County Board of Commissioners.
Douglas Steinhardt, a former NJ Republican gubernatorial candidate, was hired as legal counsel for the Sussex County Board of Commissioners.

This article originally appeared on Doug Steinhardt: Let's make New Jersey safer and more affordable