Dr. Maro: Add years to your pet’s life through weight control

Dr. Cynthia Maro
Dr. Cynthia Maro

Is your pet an ideal weight, overweight, underweight or seriously obese?

It may surprise you to learn that most pet owners who visit my office have slightly to seriously overweight pets, and they don’t know it.

When I inform owners about their pets’ excess weight, many are shocked. This is because many people do not know how to evaluate something called a BCS or body condition score.

In dogs, excess weight can be judged by feeling along the ribs, just behind the scapula or shoulder blade on the sides of the body. Feeling the ribs, but not seeing them, is ideal. Having to push through a layer of fat means that your dog is overweight. Loss of a waistline is also an indication of excess weight.

In cats, weight accumulates in the flanks, under the belly, between the back legs. When your cat is standing, you can reach under their belly and feel the area along the lower abdomen. Finding a handful of fat means your feline friend is carrying extra pounds.

If you find signs of your pet being overweight, it is cause for concern.

Excess weight will shorten your pet’s life expectancy. In fact, being slightly underweight is better than being overweight, because excess fat is associated with higher inflammatory markers, increased risk for arthritis, asthma, liver disease, heart disease and cancer.

If you aren’t sure about your pet’s ideal weight or you believe your pet is overweight or obese, be sure to schedule a visit with your veterinarian.

He or she will not only help you learn about better diet and nutrition for the overweight pet, but they will also evaluate your pet for health and hormone problems which can bring about weight gain and prevent your pet from achieving a healthy weight.

With winter in full swing and the holiday season behind us, this is a great time to get your pet and family on a healthy weight management diet and exercise program.

Following these tips is an excellent way to start helping your pet find their waistline again.

  • Improve your pet’s exercise plan

Ample exercise is a vital part of maintaining your pet’s healthy weight. Many pets are couch potatoes, failing to receive enough exercise because of the family’s lifestyle. Help your pet be active while you’re not home by investing in interactive toys, such as robotic mice for cats and ball launchers for dogs.

Nothing can replace one-on-one playtime. Spice up your pet’s exercise plan with the following suggestions:

Try new trails — If you are in a rut, walking the same old path every day, find new routes or investigate a different neighborhood. Your pet will appreciate the chance to sniff out new scents, and you’ll enjoy the change in scenery.

Sign up for a sporting class — Although your dog may already have been put through their paces with basic obedience classes, many groups and courses take that training up a notch. Depending on your pet’s interests and skills, you can find group classes on the AKC website, Get Started in Dog Sports and Events – American Kennel Club (akc.org) for new sports you and your dog can play.

Engage in daily training sessions — Training sessions each day, such as teaching your dog to spin, weave dance or spin can provide your pet with mental-physical stimulation. Cats can also engage in such sessions, but they generally have shorter attention spans, so watch your pet, and end on a good note before they lose interest. This feline-friendly website can help you and your cat get some healthy habits in place Increasing the Activity | Indoor Pet Initiative (osu.edu)

  • Improve your pet’s diet

Proper nutrition is critical to managing weight. Many pet owners mistakenly follow the food bag’s guidelines, which can provide excess calories. Try these three tips for better results:

Calculate calories — The food bag’s guidelines typically calculate the daily amounts based on an active pet’s energy requirements, which is often too high for indoor pets. To determine the calories your pet needs each day, use Ohio State University’s calculator, Basic Calorie Calculator | Veterinary Medical Center (osu.edu)

Measure food correctly — Once you’ve calculated your pet’s daily calorie requirements, you can measure the correct food amount. Use an actual, eight-ounce measuring cup—not a coffee mug, feed scoop - to portion out your pet’s meals.

Try food puzzles — Pets’ food dishes are routinely to full, which contributes to the obesity problem. Try a food puzzle to slow your pet’s eating and prevent overfeeding, boredom, inactivity, and eating too fast.

When your pet begs, try spending interactive time getting your pet moving. Positive reinforcement, affection and movement will all help break the pattern of using food and treats as a substitute for attention.

Like people, pets need a combination of a healthy diet and an appropriate exercise plan to maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity. Pairing these two components can help your four-legged companion achieve their ideal body weight, and the best shape of their life.

If you have tried to help your pet lose weight and it hasn’t worked, remember to seek veterinary advice to get your pet on the road to a healthier body!

Dr. Cynthia Maro is a veterinarian at the Ellwood Animal Hospital in Ellwood City and the Chippewa Animal Hospital in Chippewa Township. She writes a biweekly column on pet care and health issues. If you have a topic you’d like to have addressed, email ellwoodvet@msn.com.

This article originally appeared on Beaver County Times: Maro: Add years to your pet’s life through weight control