Dr. Maro: Low-maintenance pets for kids and those with space, budget and time restrictions

Dr. Cynthia Maro
Dr. Cynthia Maro

Pets make great companions for people of all ages, and they offer opportunities for teaching kids how to be responsible, committed and accountable. Animal ownership is a commitment that offers big emotional rewards.

People who enjoy the company of pets often report a higher level of happiness and contentment, as well as better health, blood pressure and fewer feelings of stress.

As in all relationships, with the good stuff, there are some downsides to becoming a pet owner. I find it’s best if families look at all the pros and cons by doing lots of research into what to expect before making the leap into purchasing a pet. Potential owners who make a veterinary appointment BEFORE they actually purchase or adopt a pet are more prepared and satisfied with their decisions.

A pre-purchase veterinary exam is commonly scheduled when buying a horse or larger animal, but is also wise when committing to a pet.

Kids who ask for a pet often don’t understand that the daily responsibilities persist, long after the novelty of having a furry friend wears off. Those dog walks in the snow and rain often become the parents’ chores when kids don’t feel well. Pet feeding and litter box cleaning need to be attended to even when children have extracurricular activities.

And there are financial commitments with every animal. Food, shelter, grooming expenses, toys and training all need to be considered before impulsively falling in love with the puppy or kitten in the shelter or pet store. The veterinary care for a pet must also be part of budget considerations, and some breeds and species require a lot more care.

Giant breed dogs, like Irish Wolfhounds and Great Danes are beautiful and make wonderful pets, but the cost of flea, tick and heartworm medications is significantly more for pets over 100 pounds. When these breeds get ill, the cost of their care adds up quickly.

Brachycephalic breeds, which include Bulldogs and French Bulldogs, are notorious for being high maintenance. These breeds often need surgery to correct breathing problems, excessive facial folds and eyelid conformation, and they often suffer from allergies and dermatitis. When researching getting a pet, be sure to look into common health problems and do the extra homework of creating a projected budget that includes realistic veterinary expenses.

Dogs and cats make great pets, BUT, if you have a busy lifestyle, travel or work demands, pet hair allergies, a small budget or home, considerations for getting some other types of pets may be wise before ruling out pet ownership altogether.

The following list includes my top choices for smaller pets that offer companionship, with fewer expenses and less time commitment than dogs require:

  1. Guinea pigs are my top pick for kids, because they live longer than hamsters and are less fragile than smaller species of pocket pets.

Keep in mind that all pocket pets must be kept away from drafts and in well-ventilated spaces. They require regular cleaning of their enclosures and bedding. They will be prone to respiratory infections if their litter isn’t cleaned daily, as ammonia levels will become too high for lung health to be maintained. Guinea pigs require no vaccines and are tolerant of being handled by young children.

2. Hamsters, rats and mice are also good pets and bond with their owners. The same requirements for healthy air movement and enclosure cleaning exist as for guinea pigs. Hamsters and mice have a shorter life expectancy than guinea pigs, and some will be more aggressive with their biting, making them less ideal for children.  If rats are handled frequently, in a calm way, they tend to bond well and tolerate being carried. They also live longer than mice and hamsters. I find many parents can’t get past the idea of having a rat in their home/kids’ room, so they are less popular pets.

3. Rabbits are soft and cuddly, but a little more fragile than guinea pigs. They have a weak area in their spines which requires they be supported when carried and picked up. Young children have a hard time managing their care until they understand how to provide rear leg support while carrying them.

4. Fish are great for creating a relaxed environment and they offer the ability to have a simple single fish tank or a more elaborate tank filled with lots of colors and variety. They are also good starter pets for kids and adults to enjoy them for many years. It does take some education time to learn how to manage the tank, cleaning and feeding.

5. Turtles, like fish, are low maintenance once you learn all the required husbandry. They are easy to handle, but kids need to learn to practice very diligent hygiene after handling them.

6. Bearded dragons can live for 10-15 years plus, and they are pretty low maintenance compared to other reptilian species. These pets aren’t furry, but for allergic people they can be a great option, requiring very little time to feed and clean up after, while also offering affection during interactive time.

7. Ferrets do require more care than some other species on the list, but they are entertaining, and if handled well from the start, usually very affectionate. Some ferrets have a tendency to bite or nip, and I recommend having at least two ferrets to keep one another company. A larger enclosure and tolerance for their strong odor are required (no, descent-ing DOES NOT stop the musky ferret smell).

8. Parakeets/birds are pretty low maintenance, but get at least two, as birds are happiest in pairs. Clean-up of cages and surrounding areas is a daily chore and close attention is needed to assure birds are not in drafty areas and that they eat regularly. Birds don’t show many signs of illness until they become very ill.

9. Hermit crabs are good pets because they are hypoallergenic and require low-maintenance care. They can live 15-30+ years in an enclosure with a lid and do their best in group habitats. Care must be taken to provide salt and fresh water, but never use untreated tap water as the chlorine and chloramines in city water can cause fatal outcomes.

Regardless of the pet you choose, be sure to do lots of research and visit your veterinarian to get the real scoop on what to expect from the health and financial commitment of your pet.

Dr. Cynthia Maro is a veterinarian at the Ellwood Animal Hospital in Ellwood City and the Chippewa Animal Hospital in Chippewa Township. She writes a biweekly column on pet care and health issues. If you have a topic you’d like to have addressed, email ellwoodvet@msn.com.

This article originally appeared on Beaver County Times: Maro: Low-maintenance pets for kids and those with space, budget and time restrictions