Dr Tom Frieden: 'Blaming CDC for US Covid failures is like blaming someone encased in concrete for failing to swim'

Dr Tom Frieden, former CDC director - Win McNamee/Getty Images
Dr Tom Frieden, former CDC director - Win McNamee/Getty Images
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Dr Tom Frieden spent eight years as director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Barack Obama, where he led the country's response to swine flu, Ebola and Zika. Now he heads up Resolve to Save Lives, a $225 million five-year initiative of Vital Strategies which aims to prevent epidemics and cardiovascular disease.

Here he talks to The Telegraph about face masks, 'armchair epidemiology' and CDC's curtailed role during the pandemic. 

You’ve been working in the field of disease control for decades - what has surprised you most about the reaction to the coronavirus pandemic?

On the one hand, Covid is unprecedented. We haven’t seen an infectious disease behave in this manner ever before. And it's been astonishing to see the global economy essentially shut because of a tiny virus.

On the other hand, we know that new infectious disease outbreaks are inevitable. So this is not only unsurprising, it's expected. We will continue to face dangerous, and potentially devastating infectious disease threats - it’s inevitable.

What's not inevitable is whether the world will continue to be so woefully underprepared.

Advice has changed considerably around face masks - is the public listening? Was it a mistake not to advocate face masks from the start?

There were elements of this infection that were unexpected if you compare Covid with SARS, its close cousin. With SARS, the amount of virus in the person's mouth and nose and body increases steadily for the first week or 10 days after infection. With Covid it's the opposite, viral load is highest just before people are sick, then it decreases steadily. No one expected that.

Then we realised that there's a large number of people with asymptomatic infection who could spread the disease. This is the point at which we realised that yes, actually face masks are going to be very important.

So I think the reasoning leading to the recommendation of a mask is something that even public health experts had to gradually absorb and get to know. I don't think that's a mistake, that's how the world learns.

But with masks it’s not only a question of wearing them - it’s where, when, how. Indoors, when you’re within six feet of someone, and in a community where Covid is spreading - it’s clear that then it’s really important.

The US and UK are among the countries which have been criticised for a slow response, especially around widespread testing and contact tracing. Why do you think nations appeared to ignore WHO advice?

I can't really understand all of the reasons for it. I will say that the countries that have done the best have been those that have been led by science, that have had public health guiding the response and have fully supported public health.

In the US, what's been most striking has been the sidelining of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which I led for eight years under President Barack Obama. In the nearly 75 years that CDC has existed, this sidelining has never occurred. In every significant health event of this country, CDC has been front and centre.

Fighting a battle without CDC at the decision table and at the podium is like fighting with one hand tied behind your back.

Public health is sometimes seen as having failed in this response, but the truth is that leaders failed to follow public health advice. The countries and the places that have followed public health advice have had fewer cases, fewer deaths and less economic disruption.

Each week you’re publishing an analysis of CDC data - are you disappointed that you’ve had to take that role and why do you think CDC’s role has been curtailed?

I can't speculate on the reasons this administration is curtailing the CDC. The organisation is putting a lot of good information on their website, but the scientists there are essentially not being allowed to speak to the public. And I'm concerned that their ability to even publish scientific guidance may be getting interfered with.

That makes all of us less safe; it's not a responsible thing for this administration to do. Blaming the CDC for the failed US response is like blaming someone who was bound and encased in concrete for failing to swim.

You’ve warned about the risks of ‘armchair epidemiology’ - how do you think it’s shaped the response to Covid-19?

There are so many mistakes that are being made in the media and by some academics who have actually not worked on infectious disease outbreaks before. It's been deeply concerning to watch because it's dangerous.

What gets measured matters. A lot of the data to get attention are inaccurate, partial, misleading, poorly analysed. Even the role of models has been fundamentally misunderstood. The most important role of a model is to change the future, not to predict it.

The way models have been used, particularly in the US, it's just very misguided. So is the focus on the number of cases and number of tests.

There are at least five or 10 times more cases than had been diagnosed, so the case numbers are not particularly relevant. And the number of tests is not nearly as relevant as whether the right people are being tested at the right time - and that the right things are done when those people are found.

Our goal is to save lives. To do that we have to reduce spread, so we need to look at the data as an epidemiologist would.

The pandemic has exposed racial disparities in healthcare. What do you think needs to be done to address these and could Covid be an accelerator for change?

I hope that in our ‘new normal’ we do a much better job of addressing racial inequalities and addressing the three things that are driving it.

One is more exposure. That is a combination of things - unsafe workplaces, more crowded housing, essential jobs without adequate protection. The second is underlying health conditions with higher rates of conditions such as diabetes.

Black people are more likely to die from coronavirus
Black people are more likely to die from coronavirus

The third is less access to health care. Now in the US that's literally access, people don't have insurance or have high costs. In the UK, with the National Health Service, it really suggests the need to restructure services so that people engage in them more. That means using more community workers, more team-based care, more telemedicine, more ways of meeting people where they are with the information and the services they need.

Lots of States in the US, as well as the UK, have started to ease lockdown restrictions, citing economic considerations. Is this an unsafe gamble or a sensible assessment of the risk level?

I think there are a number of false dichotomies with Covid. One of them is health versus economics. It's very clear that the places that have done a better job managing their outbreaks are going to do better recovering their economies. So this idea that we should just kind of power through it - you’ll just have explosions in transmission like you're having today in Arizona and you can't reopen your economy like that. You can't open your schools.

So it's really not about health versus economics. Public health is the road to economic recovery.

Really it's fairly straightforward. On the one hand, there's something everyone should do: wear a mask, wash your hands or use sanitiser, watch your distance. And when the health department calls, pick up the phone.

On the other hand there’s what the government can do, which is the ‘Box It In’ strategy: strategic testing, isolation, contact tracing and quarantine.

How concerned are you about a second wave?

I think ‘second wave’ is a mistaken concept. Basically we will have outbreaks as long as there is exposure, and we’re still in the first wave in the US.

We will have rebounds, as we've had, if reopening is too soon. And we will inevitably have cases and clusters, even with careful opening. But by using the ‘Box It In’ strategy, we can prevent cases from becoming clusters, clusters from becoming outbreaks, and outbreaks from sending us back to the start again.

But I think the ‘second wave’ implies that this will act as the flu acts. And we don't know that - it might, but it might not.

So I think ‘second wave’ is just not the right metaphor for what's happening here. I think of lockdowns as like riding a wave - you have to time it just right. If you’re surfing and you jump too soon, the wave hasn’t come. Too late and you get swamped. You have to ride it just right - which means that the lockdown has to be modulated for what's happening with the virus.

We have to get more granular about what we mean by ‘lockdown’. It's not closing everything -  essential services stay open, utilities stay open, healthcare stays open. We have to be more nuanced about what gets closed and open.

Are wealthy countries doing enough to help low and middle income countries prepare and cope?

No - both in the short term and in long term.

In the short term we need solidarity. We need to work together as a world to confront this virus. It's us against them, humans against the virus.

In the long term it is crucially important that we do more for global health protection. For the first time ever, the world knows where the gaps in preparedness are, how much it costs to close them, and how to close them.

But we haven't done three key things: one, invested in closing them - it's probably $10 billion a year for 10 years; two, provide technical assistance for closing these gaps; three, supporting, not just through money and technical skills, but management and operational capacity in low income countries, so that they can find, stop and prevent outbreaks when and where they first emerge.

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Coronavirus Live Tracker promo embed

The world has made progress here, but we are now at a crucial time where we have to do much more. We need to fully support and fully fund the World Health Organisation, we need to fully support groups such as CEPI for vaccine development and FIND for diagnostic development.

But we also need to do this differently. We need to change the way we support countries, so that they can find and stop outbreaks there. If every country is stronger there, we will be safer here.

Ultimately, infectious diseases illustrate that we're bound by a common fate. We should look around the world and identify where the blind spots are - blind spots because they don't have good public health systems, blind spots because there's so much distrust of the government.

Those are the places where tomorrow's polio outbreak, or Ebola outbreak, or Covid, or multi drug resistant tuberculosis, or pan resistant gram negative bacteria. Or the next pathogen. Those are the places where these diseases will arise - and they won’t stay there.


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