Drilling opponents plan rally in northeast Ohio

Youngstown drilling opponents tie NE Ohio protest to Matt Damon's 'Promised Land' movie

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) -- Anti-drilling demonstrators say a new movie is inspiring a protest in Youngstown, where deep injection of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing was linked to a series of earthquakes.

The group Frackfree America National Coalition planned a rally Friday afternoon. It's seeking to draw attention to an initiative it's pursuing that would prohibit drilling rigs, wastewater deep-injection wells and other oil and gas infrastructure around homes, schools, cemeteries, parks and national forests.

In the trailer to the movie "Promised Land," starring Matt Damon and John Krasinski, the land man played by Damon says an upcoming community vote will hurt his chances of getting people to sign new oil and gas leases.

The Youngtown-based group says it hopes its efforts will put up similar roadblocks in northeast Ohio.