Drive through the yellow light or stop? Here’s what California law says you should do

When you’re approaching an intersection with a green light, it doesn’t take long for the light to quickly turn yellow.

Your foot hovers over the brake pedal but then goes to hover the gas pedal. Should you risk the light turning red and continue through or do you legally have to stop?

Here’s what California law says about driving through a yellow light:

California’s yellow light law

According to the California Driver’s Handbook, a yellow traffic signal means to proceed with caution. The light is about to turn red.

The handbook states that when a driver sees a yellow traffic signal light, they should stop, if they can safely do so. If a driver cannot stop safely, they can cautiously cross the intersection.

A representative from the DMV Public Affairs Office said California Vehicle Code 21452 contains the following information regarding yellow traffic signal laws.

A driver approaching a steady yellow or yellow arrow signal is:

  • Informed that the related green light movement is ending

  • Warned that a red light will be shown immediately after

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Can you be ticketed for driving through the yellow light?

If you misjudge the amount of time you have to safely go through the intersection while the light is yellow, then California Vehicle Code 21453 states you could face a penalty for running a red light.

Running a red light can result in the following penalties, according to legal website NOLO:

  • Fines and fees: The base fine for a red light violations ranges from $35 to $100, depending on the violation (but there are extra fines and fees that make the driver have to pay a bigger price). After county fines, the cost can near $500, The Sacramento Bee reported.

  • Points: Red light tickets carry one point on a driver’s license record, which can affect your insurance premium.

What should you do if the yellow light is flashing?

The California Driver’s Handbook explicitly states that a driver does not have to stop at a flashing yellow light.

The handbook states, “A flashing yellow traffic signal light is a warning to proceed with caution. Slow down and be alert. You do not need to stop.”

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