Drones Help Social Network Connect Neighbors

In the "what will they think of next" category, social network Fatdoor hopes to connect you with your neighbors through the use of drones. Yup, drones.

Imagine borrowing a cup of sugar by sending a quadcopter next door, controlled by your smartphone. You could also deliver a cupcake to your sweetheart a few doors down or send a banner around your neighborhood to announce your next barbeque. That's the idea behind Fatdoor's robot business, that and delivering your lunch from the corner deli. The company's latest creation, the Skyteboard, is currently in funding mode through Kickstarter.

The 1-pound quadcopter will be able to communicate with other Skyteboards via 3G and with your smartphone via Wi-Fi as well. It features two HD cameras and should be able to fly for about 15 minutes. Using one, you'll be able to capture unique angles of your child's soccer game, or just go flying with friends. The company is shooting for a Winter 2014 delivery date and a price tag of $1,099. Ultimately, you'll be able to print attachments to the Skyteboard via a 3D printer.

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Fatdoor is a social network for neighbors of small communities, founded by the faculty advisor to Sergey Brin and Larry Page of Google fame. Through it you can rent a room in your home, announce you found a stray pet, alert folks to a car accident outside your house, and send food to the little old lady next door. The company admits that FAA and other regulatory rules may affect the deployment of the new drone.

The company's existing Bon Apetit robot is a three-foot-tall rolling file cabinet that can be controlled via an iPhone or Android smartphone. It features front and back cameras, four drawers, sensors and an electric motor, and can be used by restaurants to deliver food. So far, the Skyteboard has raised $25 of its $300,000 goal with 58 days to go.

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