DU issues scammer warning

Dec. 5—Decatur Utilities issued a warning today that several of its customers received calls from a scammer claiming to be with DU and spoofing the caller identification so the DU main number appears.

DU warns that "these scammers claim the customer overpaid and has a credit balance that can be refunded to a checking account or credit/debit card. The utility only issues refunds via check to the account holder."

Decatur Utilities advises people to hang up even if DU's main number appears in the caller ID. Customers should never give account information or credit/debit card numbers to a caller.

Customers can always call DU's main number and talk to a customer service representative to verify their account.

SmartHub is also available via Google Play or The App Store. SmartHub is DU's online account portal where customers can check their account information at any time of the day.

bayne.hughes@decaturdaily.com or 256-340-2432. Twitter @DD_BayneHughes.