Dublin Schools Might Require All Staff, Volunteers To Be Vaxed

DUBLIN, CA — The Dublin Unified School District Board will discuss Tuesday the possibility of requiring all of its employees, volunteers, and board members be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Currently, DUSD students and staff are required to be masked indoors regardless of vaccination status, but they are not required to be vaccinated. Essential visitors are required to be tested weekly for COVID-19 and fully vaccinated before entering a school site. High school students who visit students on other campuses are also required to be fully vaccinated.

The proposal, which was submitted by DUSD Superintendent Chris D. Funk, would go into effect on March 30, according to a board agenda item. “Additionally, if adopted, authorization is given to the Superintendent to proceed with those steps necessary to implement the Resolution, including developing and implementing procedures for exemptions and/or accommodations in compliance with state and federal law."

According to the district’s COVID-19 tracker, approximately 2.5% of DUSD students and staff have tested positive for COVID-19, a large increase from December’s 0.19 percent.

91% of eligible Dublin residents are fully vaccinated, according to the most recent data from the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The percentage is most likely a bit smaller, since it was calculated using a 2019 population estimate.

The meeting will air at 5:30 Tuesday and be livestreamed here, and broadcast on Channel 28 Thursdays at 7 pm, Sundays at 6 pm, and Wednesdays at 6 am.

This article originally appeared on the Dublin Patch