Wake ends COVID vaccine waitlist, Duke Health to hold walk-in vaccine clinic in Durham

Duke Health and Wake County are both adjusting how people can get their COVID-19 vaccine shots as supply becomes more readily available.

Duke Health will host a walk-in vaccine event in Durham on Tuesday, April 20. And in Wake County, people no longer have to add their name to a waitlist before making an appointment.

Eligibility for the vaccines in North Carolina is for anyone 16 and older. However, Pfizer is the only vaccine approved for 16- and 17-year-olds.

Here are details.

Wake County ends vaccine waitlist

Wake’s COVID-19 vaccine website stated Friday that clicking on the online form immediately takes you to the appointment scheduler. People can pick the time and location of their appointments, as well as which vaccine.

“No more request list!” it says. Visit covid19.wakegov.com/vaccine.

People can also scheduled appointments through Wake County’s 24-hour vaccine hotline number at 919-250-1515.

Wake County Commissioners Chair Matt Calabria announced on Facebook Friday that the vaccine waitlist had gone away, and that 42.7% of Wake County residents have gotten at least one dose of vaccine.

“No more waiting for an invitation to make an appointment,” Calabria wrote. “We’re hoping this added convenience will result in more folks getting their shot.”

He also said that the county will administer its 150,000th shot on Friday.

Duke Health in Durham

Duke Health’s walk-in clinic will be at the Wheels Fun Park at 715 N. Hoover Road from noon to 6 p.m.

The event is open to anyone age 16 or older. No appointment is necessary. Duke will be offering the Pfizer vaccine.

Duke is also offering vaccination appointments at other locations without a waitlist.

To schedule an appointment through Duke Health, visit dukehealth.org/duke-covid-19-vaccine-scheduling.

Duke Health is offering the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, both of which require two doses given weeks apart.