Early childhood learning opportunities in Otero County

From birth to age five, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. The quality of a child’s experiences in the first few years of life-positive or negative-helps shape how their brain develops. 100% Otero’s Early Childhood Learning Team works to make sure parents and guardians have access to all they need to provide the best possible experience for their young children.

When 100% Otero completed its initial community survey, the data collected around early childhood learning opportunities in Otero County was a little surprising for some of our members. The survey showed that Otero County was not necessarily lacking in services or opportunities for childcare; families just did not seem to have accurate or accessible information about what was out there waiting for them. This information has been the key driving force in the work completed by members of 100% Otero’s Early Childhood Learning Sector. The team’s work for the last 18 months has centered around equipping Otero County families with information about services, both state and countywide, so that they may make the best choice for their young children.

For new parents or people new to the area, it can be a little overwhelming to navigate the landscape of early childhood services and parents are sometimes left with more questions than answers. What exactly does childcare look like in New Mexico? Is there funding available for childcare assistance in our state? What is the best fit for our family?

What does childcare look like in Otero County and what is the best fit for our family?

100% Otero’s Early Childhood Learning Team compiled an infographic guide to help families understand their options for childcare and early childhood services in Otero County. Each program is defined and then listed with phone numbers of current local providers in the area. The guide is available in print at many local childcare providers or GCRMC pediatrics office. Email weavingitalltogether@100otero.org if you would like a copy emailed to you or your organization. Early Childhood service options can also be found at the Otero County portion of the Ten Vital Services website. Ten Vital Services, New Mexico (tenvitalservicesnm.org) This information can be used as a guide for families as they make decisions about early learning opportunities.

Is there funding for childcare in New Mexico? Yes. And most New Mexico Families qualify.

Child Care Assistance (CCA) provides financial support to help pay for the cost of childcare. The Child Care Services Bureau pays some or all childcare costs each month if you are working, going to school or both and meet income qualifications. Income eligibility was recently extended up to 400% Federal Poverty Level ($120k/year for a family of four), so most New Mexico Families qualify. To find out if you are eligible for Child Care Assistance, visit https://www.nmececd.org/child-care-assistance. For more information on Child Care Assistance, contact the regional Child Care Assistance Office Child Care Assistance | Early Childhood Education & Care Department (nmececd.org), call 1-800-832-1321 or email at Child.care@state.nm.us.

Otero is a large and diverse county

There are many people in Otero County who are passionate about ensuring our youngest county residents and their families have the services they require. We are always looking to add new members to the 100% Otero Early Learning team as we seek to be representative of all those providing and receiving early learning services in Otero County. Recently we welcomed the involvement of Proveedoras Unidas de Southern New Mexico which is a group representing home-based early childhood providers in the Chaparral area.

NMSU-Alamogordo offers an Associate Degree and a Certificate in Early Childhood Education. Both programs are fully online and transferable to other New Mexico Institutions of Higher Education. The contact person for both programs is NMSU-A Professor, Dr. Roseli Chiovitti. Contact her at rcavalca@nmsu.edu if you would like information about these programs, and/or career choices in ECE. She will be happy to talk to you!

Next Steps for 100% Early Learning Group

Our overarching goal is eliminating adverse childhood experiences and by continuing to improve access to early childhood learning opportunities. To accomplish this goal, we will build membership of our group to include the parent, grandparents, and caregiver voice. We will offer parent and provider training as part of our mission to improve early education services in Otero County. If you would like to be a member of our team, please email weavingitalltogether@100otero.org.

This article originally appeared on Alamogordo Daily News: Early childhood learning opportunities in Otero County