East Brook Animal Hospital has skilled vets for your pets

Nov. 1—MANSFIELD CENTER — If your pet is in need of some quality care, bring them to East Brook Animal Hospital.

The animal hospital has proudly served the Mansfield Center and Willimantic areas for more than 50 years. Their staff works hard to provide quality services. "Our staff's honest con — cern for the health and overall well-being of our patients," Dr. Sarah Fischer, managing vet — erinarian at East Brook Animal Hospital, said regarding what sets their business apart from other animal hospitals. "Making sure I help to promote the best pos — sible care for pets and their people," Veterinary Technician Erin Morgan said regarding her favorite part of her job. The animal hospital pro — vides care for a number of different pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, hamsters and gerbils. The hospital also offers a number of differ — ent services to keep your pet healthy. East Brook Animal Hospital provides regu — lar dental examinations to make sure pets have healthy gums and teeth.

East Brook Animal Hospital also does full mouth X-rays of pets. This allows for veterinarians to be able to evaluate the roots of your pet's teeth and any disease or abnor — malities that are located below the gumline and are not visible on examination alone.

Another way East Brook Animal Hospital helps to keep pets healthy is by assisting with their diets and nutrition. Hospital staff can consult with pet owners about specific diets to keep the animals in good shape.

East Brook Animal Hospital also aids in con — trolling parasites. The annual wellness and preventative care exams offered by the East Brook Animal Hospital evaluate a pet's overall health and detect problems before they become serious.

To keep pets clear of diseases, the staff at East Brook Animal Hospital provides vaccinations.

East Brook Animal Hospital also helps people keep track of their pets by placing a microchip in them. In addition to X-rays, East Brook Animal Hospital provides several other diagnostic services for pets. This includes endoscopy, electrocardi — ology, laboratory services and allergy diagnosis.

Surgery services are also offered by East Brook Animal Hospital.

Their staff can spay and neuter a pet to help them live a longer, healthier life, minimize behavior prob — lems and help control the population of unwanted dogs and cats.

The business also per — forms soft tissue surgery on pets. Soft tissue sur — gery is any surgery that is non-joint or bone relat — ed. According to the East Brook Animal Hospital website, the most common soft tissue surgeries for animals are hernia repairs and mass removals.

East Brook Animal Hospital also has behav — ioral medicine which can help treat pets' fears and anxiety, aggression and socialization.

To speed the healing pro — cess, East Brook Animal Hospital offers laser ther — apy for pets. "Veterinary laser thera — py has been scientifical — ly proven to help treat post-surgical pain and many acute and chronic conditions," the hospital said in a statement on its website.

The hospital cares deep — ly about nursing pets back to health and providing their owners with informa — tion on how to keep them healthy. "Our job is not only to treat your pet when he or she isn't feeling well, but also to help you learn how to keep your best friend happy and healthy," the hospital said in a statement on its website. "Quality and cost are two main aspects to consider when choosing treatment for any member of your family. We work hard to balance those needs while provid — ing the best possible care for your pet." Clients have given the animal hospital glowing reviews on the business' website.

"East Brook has been taking care of my pets for over 20 years and I have always been happy with their care," said one of their patrons.

"Very friendly, helpful and didn't try to pressure me into buying all sorts of unnecessary stuff for my cats," said another satis — fied customer. "Best vet in the area." Follow the Chronicle on Twitter — @ thechroniclect.