Easy yoga moves to do at your desk in just three minutes

Boudicca Fox-Leonard pictured doing desk yoga in the Telegraph office, London
Boudicca Fox-Leonard pictured doing yoga in the Telegraph office, London - Rii Schroer

Nearly every day I get up from my desk in the Telegraph office and head up to the onsite gym with my yoga mat rolled up under my arm.

A journalist’s life is one of constant deadlines and pressure. Not to mention sitting. The same applies to many other professions too, which makes it all the more important that I find time in the day for yoga.

It was certainly no surprise to me as a qualified yoga teacher that a new study from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) found that three minutes of yoga every hour at work “can lower diabetes risk”.

Participants in the study were taken through a 16-step regimen that included poses such as downward dog, cobra and cat-cow.

Levels of glucose in their blood were measured with a finger prick every 30 minutes. The results suggested that the ancient Chinese martial art of Tai Chi had no significant impact compared to the control group – but yoga did.

Not everyone will have a dedicated space in their workplace. However, there is a great deal that you can do without leaving your desk – although downward dog might be a bit much.

You might have to steel yourself against looks from your colleagues, but thinking about the impact on your long-term health should quell any embarrassment.

Yogic breath helps calm your parasympathetic nervous system. The poses (asanas) strengthen the limbs as well as improving range of motion. These build physical and mental awareness, both by improving proprioception by testing balance and focusing the mind through concentration.

Try recruiting those around you to join you for three minutes every hour. Take time afterwards to notice how different you feel.

Here’s a three-minute desk yoga sequence to get you started. I left my shoes on but kick yours off if you can, especially if you’re in heels!


Sit upright with your feet on the ground, hands in your lap. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths in and out.

Sit upright with your feet on the ground, hands in your lap
Tip: Listen to your breathing - Rii Schroer


Seated cat-cow (chakravakasana)

Seated cat-cow (chakravakasana)
Tip: Pull your tummy into navel on inhale - Rii Schroer

Place your fingertips on your knees. Inhale, lift the chest, look up towards the ceiling and gently arch your spine. Exhale, round through your spine and look towards your navel. Repeat twice more.

Seated bridge posture (setu bandhasana)

Seated bridge posture (setu bandhasana)
Tips: Broaden your collarbones and roll your shoulders beneath you. - Rii Schroer

Still seated, take your arms behind you, fingertips pointing forward. Inhale, press down through the palm of your hands and your feet and lift your hips off the chair, pressing them towards the sky. Look towards the ceiling. Hold for three breaths.

Seated pigeon twist (parivrtta kapotasana)

Seated pigeon twist (parivrtta kapotasana)
Tip: Create length in the spine - Rii Schroer

Place your left ankle on top of your right knee. Make a fist with your left hand and place your elbow as close to your left ankle as possible. Push down on your left fist with your right hand. Inhale, lift and turn the chest; hold the position for three breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Seated cow face pose (gomukhasana)

Seated cow face pose (gomukhasana)
Tip: Use an object of your choice to connect hands - Rii Schroer

Cross your right knee over your left. Inhale, sweep your left arm up and bend your elbow so your left hand reaches down your back. Sweep your right arm underneath so it reaches up your back. Catch fingertips if possible. Hold position for three breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Standing postures

Standing eagle pose (garudasana)

Standing eagle pose (garudasana)
Tip: Sink your hips low into pose - Rii Schroer

Cross your left knee over your right and tuck your foot behind your right calf if possible. Sweep arms out to the side and cross right elbow on top of left. Lift forearms up and catch your hands if possible. Lift elbows up and the hands away from the face. Hold pose for three breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Triangle (trikonasana)

Triangle (trikonasana)
Tip: Look up at your right hand - Rii Schroer

Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Turn your right toes out and left toes in, heels aligned. Place your right hand on your right shin and reach your left arm up. Lean back into the pose, drawing your shoulders down your back. Hold for three breaths and repeat on the other side.

Pyramid pose (parsvottanasana)

Pyramid pose (parsvottanasana)
Tip: Lengthen your spine - Rii Schroer

Shorten your stance slightly. Square your hips to the right leg and step the left leg slightly wider, with toes turned out, so you’re on train tracks. Catch hold of your elbows behind you and fold forward with a long spine. Hold for three breaths and repeat on the other side.

Wide-leg forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)

Wide-leg forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)
Tip: Fold from the hips, not the waist - Rii Schroer

Widening your stance, turn your toes in and your heels out. Interlace your fingers behind your back. Inhale, lift the chest. Exhale, fold forward, lifting your hands up towards the ceiling. Hold for three breaths. To come up, bend the knees and roll up through the spine.

Closing sequence

Come back to an upright seated position. Hands in your lap. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

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