EC man gets probation for exposing young grandchild to meth

Mar. 16—EAU CLAIRE — An Eau Claire man will spend four years on probation for exposing his 2-month-old grandchild to methamphetamine.

Kenneth D. Hester, 43, 1828 S. Hastings Way, pleaded no contest recently in Eau Claire County Court to felony counts of possession of methamphetamine and neglecting a child, and unrelated counts of bail jumping, possession of narcotic drugs and possession of burglarious tools.

Hester was sentenced to 90 days jail and fined $2,740. As conditions of probation, Hester was ordered to maintain absolute sobriety. He also cannot drink alcohol, enter taverns, have contact with known drug dealers or users or have contact with the child without approval of the Eau Claire County Department of Human Services.

Hester's co-defendant, Stephanie M. Hester, 43, was previously sentenced.

According to the criminal complaint:

Eau Claire police and a social worker went to the Hesters' residence at the Regency Inn & Suites, 1828 S. Hastings Way, on Sept. 16, 2021, on a report the social worker received concerning the welfare of the baby.

The Hesters were caring for their grandchild because the child's mother was not able to provide essential services to her child at her own home.

Kenneth Hester had marijuana in his pants pocket when authorities arrived.

Stephanie Hester admitted she had smoked methamphetamine the previous day but denied smoking it in their room.

An officer found a bubble pipe used to smoke methamphetamine sitting next to a baby bottle. Stephanie Hester said the pipe did not belong to her.

A search of the room found gem packs containing methamphetamine, psilocybin mushroom and fentanyl. The container holding the drugs was only one foot away from the baby's car seat.

A hair follicle test for the baby tested positive for the presence of both amphetamine and methamphetamine.

Stephanie Hester said methamphetamine was never smoked around the baby. She doesn't know how the baby could have been exposed.

Kenneth Hester told police no drugs were used around the baby. "The only thing I can think of is it went through my skin," he said.

Stephanie Hester was prosecuted as a repeat offender. She was convicted of a felony count of possession of methamphetamine as a party to a crime in April 2018 in Eau Claire County.