Eco-tip: It's leftover season, so beware the danger zone

Do you still have Thanksgiving leftovers in your refrigerator? Will your refrigerator fill again with leftovers next month after holiday family gatherings?

You can prevent the waste of your food, time and money — and avoid an upset tummy — by properly storing your leftovers.

Alternatively, sending food home with guests is a good way to avoid waste. But if the food requires refrigeration, this might work only when guests live nearby.

Most food, including meat, should not sit out for more than two hours. And if the ambient temperature is above 90 degrees, food should not be out of the fridge for more than an hour, warns Graciela Garcia, who manages food inspections for the Ventura County Environmental Health Division.

Specifically, food temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit are referred to as “the danger zone” by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hot food should be kept at or above 140, cold food below 40. Bacteria can double in as little as 20 minutes when food temps slip into the danger zone, the department warns, increasing the risk of illness.

Since the food-safety clock starts ticking before guests get their meals, serving modifications can help postpone the countdown to waste.

Perishable food from a refrigerator, such as chicken salad, can be placed on the table in a dish nested in a bowl of ice. Food from an oven, such as slices of holiday turkey, can be kept hot with a chafing dish or warming tray. These methods are most convenient when a meal is served from a buffet, where the bulkiness of ice bowls and chafing dishes won't crowd your table.

Another method to delay dangerous temperature exposure is to simply bring only small portions to the table, leaving replacement rounds in a warm oven or cold refrigerator. Although this requires extra trips to the kitchen during a meal, it can leave your table less cluttered.

After the meal, when the time comes for storage of hot items directly into a refrigerator, the USDA suggests dividing leftovers into small portions and using sealed, shallow containers to assist with quicker cooling. If the energy cost of putting hot items directly into a refrigerator bothers you, the buffet suggestion for ice bowls can come in handy. The USDA website notes that hot food can be chilled rapidly before refrigeration in an ice or cold-water bath.

Most leftovers can be safely kept in a refrigerator for up to four days, the agency says. Freezing can keep food safe indefinitely, although food frozen for more than four months tends to lose moisture and flavor.

Cooking oil is another byproduct of holiday feasts.

In previous years, one local city and a waste collection company in east Ventura County offered a drop-off program for cooking oil during the holidays. This year, however, both have discontinued the program due to low participation.

Instead, a year-round drop-off site is available in Oxnard, where Coastal Byproducts allows free drops at 1891 Sunkist Circle. No appointment is necessary, but collection is limited to 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday.

There is also a more convenient solution for those willing to ask the manager of a local restaurant. Restaurants pay for “trap cleanout” of their fat, oil and grease, but Coastal Byproducts collects restaurant cooking oil without a charge, according to Rosa Cruz, manager of Coastal Byproducts.

If you see a restaurant anywhere in Ventura County with a 55 or 90-gallon black drum, usually in the same enclosure as the trash container, chances are the company receives free collection from Coastal Byproducts. The company then trucks the waste to recyclers for conversion to products ranging from perfume to fertilizer. If you ask nicely, and especially if you mention you are a regular customer, the kitchen staff may allow you to pour your cooking oil into their container.

If recycling is not practical, disposal also comes with guidelines. The November 2022 issue of Pipeline, the newsletter of Ventura Water, which serves the city of Ventura, warns customers not to dump fat, oil and grease down drains. Such waste can cool, harden and clog sewer systems.

The newsletter suggests pouring the waste into a can, letting it harden, and sealing the can before disposing in the trash.

Restaurants may not legally use this convenient alternative, but in small amounts, individual households are unlikely to cause problems for trash trucks, especially if the solidification is enhanced with a medium such as kitty litter.

David Goldstein, an environmental resource analyst with the Ventura County Public Works Agency, can be reached at 805-658-4312 or

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Eco-tip: For holiday leftover season, keep food at safe temperatures