Ecuador's president strikes deal to end protests

Celebrations in Ecuador as President Moreno agreed to axe his fuel subsidy cuts, that sent transport and food prices soaring.

Announcement of the cuts unleashed the worst unrest the country has seen in more than a decade - with scenes the president had described as near-apocalyptic.

Moreno reached a deal with indigenous leaders - who led the protests, after three hours of televised negotiations on Sunday (October 13).

He's agreed to replace his decree with one that will help the most vulnerable Ecuadorians, in exchange for the indigenous leaders to call off the protests - which left the capital Quito resembling a war zone.

Abandoned cars, rocks and debris litter empty roads - and burnt-out buildings have become a constant reminder of the two week unrest.

Half a dozen people have been killed during the protests - which forced the government out of the capital, and led to Moreno imposing an indefinite curfew.

It's unclear how soon the law will be replaced, or how it will affect a multi-billion dollar deal signed with the International Monetary Fund.

Moreno denies the subsidy cuts were imposed by the IMF, and insists they were a part of his bid to clean up the country's finances.

But it's become the latest flashpoint of opposition to the IMF in Latin America this year.