EDITORIAL: Happy holidays

Dec. 23—THUMBS UP to everyone spreading holiday cheer to everyone far and near.

So many benefits, giveaways and events this holiday season helped provide for those in need in our community this year.

We thank everyone who participated in the Angel Tree project that the McAlester News-Capital, McAlester Lions Club and Toliver Chevrolet partnered this year to make it the biggest ever.

But so many people in our area helped our community in other ways — which reinforces why we believe in the good of a community coming together to support each other during struggles.

Our community must keep believing in each other to make progress as we all want to make this the best place possible for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.

We believe in the love and compassion our community shows during the holiday season to help neighbors, volunteer for special causes, donate to charitable events, and more.

We also believe that our community is better together and hope that we can continue to support each other year round.

----THUMBS UP to Hartshorne and Haileyville's police and fire departments working to get toys for children in time for Christmas.

They recently held a toy giveaway and planned another one for 6-8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 23, at the former National Guard armory building at 307 S. 12th St. in Hartshorne.

Police and fire personnel from the two cities held the first round of their toy giveaway last Friday night — but Hartshorne Police Chief Jerry Ford Ford said they still have enough toys remaining to do it again.

Any child can go pick out a toy and take a picture with Santa at the event.

The event also honors the memory of Gary Mick, who served as a longtime Pittsburg County reserve deputy and as a school resource officer for Hartshorne Public Schools before he died Dec. 19 at his home in Dow.

This is a great way to spread holiday cheer and we hope anyone in need can swing by to pick out a toy.

The Twins Cities Christian Outreach Thrift Store also seeks donations toward a blanket closet.

----THUMBS UP to so many who helped others in need for the holiday season.

Pittsburg County Pittsburg County Sheriff Chris Morris hosted a Shop With The Sheriff program to help kids have a merry Christmas by taking them to lunch and then taking them shopping at Walmart.

Organizer Kelly White started the Grinch Ain't Stealing Christmas to offer community resources and outreach for anyone needing assistance through KREOKS, Caring Hands, All Saints, Mike's Club, Pittsburg County Health Department, and more.

Jennifer Mullins and Southeastern Oklahoma Social Services held several charitable drives to help people over the holidays.

McAlester High School senior Reed Marcum, his mother, Angie Miller, and his stepfather, McAlester attorney J. Michael Miller, and several volunteers organized another huge toy giveaway this year with the J. Michael Miller Toy Giveaway.

Our community does so many good things and we thank everyone who did anything to bring a smile to someone's life this holiday season.

—McAlester News-Capital Editorial Board