EDITORIAL: Teach our children why they attacked us

Sep. 10—Friday marks the last school day before the 20th anniversary of terrorists attacking the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. It comes just after President Joe Biden surrendered Afghanistan and billions of dollars worth of war machines to the Taliban, a major terrorist organization supportive of the Sept. 11 attacks and everything they stand for.

For teachers, parents, professors, and mentors of all varieties there is no better occasion than this anniversary to teach children and young adults why these attacks occurred and what they really mean. They were attacks against love, acceptance, diversity, inclusion, tolerance, multiculturalism, religious liberty, and everything else Americans value.

Students in grades K-12 were not alive to witness the Sept. 11 attacks. The 20-year anniversary comes after a year of left-wing, internal America-bashing unseen since the 1960s. It comes just as the National Education Association advocates openly racist messages that label white children as oppressors and nonwhite children as their victims. Known to the NEA as critical race theory, school districts increasingly teach this racist philosophy under less controversial course names that often emphasize "equity."

The left's guilt-imposing worldview could easily lead children to believe we had it coming 20 years ago Saturday. Maybe the non-Christian nonwhite men who hijacked planes were killing white supremacists enjoying the unfair advantages of a country founded by a slave ship in 1619. Never forget, a former University of Colorado professor compared all victims of Sept. 11 to Nazis known as "Little Eichmanns."

The propensity for portions of the teaching establishments to woke-wash Sept. 11 is partially affirmed by a Virginia Department of Education webinar telling teachers to prepare "culturally responsive and inclusive" lessons about the attacks. The webinar warns against using the word "terrorist." Avoid promoting "American exceptionalism." In summary, teach it but don't allow children to perceive moral disparity between the attackers and the country they attacked.

Here's a better idea. Use Sept. 11 history to teach children exactly why evil men of one fundamentalist demographic murdered nearly 3,000 innocent men, women, and children of every racial, cultural, ethnic, religious, national, and gender identity imaginable. They killed people who counted on this country protecting them to work, believe, and love however they choose.

Here are just some of the reasons radical Islamic extremists — such as those who control Afghanistan and an American arsenal — hate us so much:

— They hate equal rights for women to the point of killing them for showing their faces in public

— The Taliban often punish rape victims by convicting them of infidelity

— The Taliban do not think women should attend school or educate themselves

— Members of the LGBQ community have no rights and can be executed for their sexual orientations

— The Taliban threaten, torture, and kill journalists suspected of disrespecting Islam

— As Sharia supremacists, the Taliban condone spousal rape and forced marriages among old men and young girls

The Taliban openly and unapologetically torture and otherwise discriminate against members of the minority Shi'a demographic, which comprises up to 15% of Afghanistan's population.

Examples of the racist, intolerant, bigoted and murderous nature of Afghanistan's new government could go on. It is fair to characterize Afghanistan — especially under full control of the Taliban — as the opposite of the United States in almost every way.

No wonder they hate us. As they try to cleanse society of homosexuals, our culture and government openly fight to expand their acceptance and equal treatment under the law. As the Taliban's Islamic extremist terrorists publicly torture and kill those disloyal to their authority, U.S. authorities dutifully defend the rights of those who snub the American flag because they consider this country racist and unfair.

The Taliban terrorists hate us because they think we are evil infidels who offend their racist, sexist, religiously fanatical tyrannical values. In the United States, women dress exactly as they please and some communities even let them go bare-chested in public. Imagine how that looks to an Islamic fundamentalist who enforces misogyny with military rifles and won't let women show their faces.

We mourn Sept. 11 this week because the United States was attacked for standing as the world's refuge for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. As the Statute of Liberty reminds us, "This country's greatness and true genius lies in its diversity." That repulses the leaders of a murderous theocracy.

We were attacked, in large part, because of the freedoms we protect for diverse populations. Evil forces attacked this country because it fights for what is right and defends against what is wrong. That should be the message we teach children when explaining those 3,000 murders 20 years ago this week.

The Gazette Editorial Board