Edmonton's average daytime high hits 0°C, a trend that could span 100+ days

Brace for the frigid long haul. We're looking at 100+ days below freezing, as Edmonton's average daytime high has officially crossed this threshold.

November 14 marks the first day that the average high temperature for this time of year reaches the 0°C mark. This is the start of a long stretch, exactly 116 days, where the average high temperature is at or below freezing.

Baron - Edmonton days bellow 0.jpg
Baron - Edmonton days bellow 0.jpg

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This doesn't mean there won't be temperatures above freezing, it just signals a trend of what is coming. That being said, however, temperatures are going to be well above seasonal for this week in particular, as a mild pattern spans the region and daytime highs soar 10-15°C above normal for central and northern areas.

Baron - AB temps Friday - Nov14.jpg
Baron - AB temps Friday - Nov14.jpg

It's an extremely difficult forecast for ski hills in particular, but it will likely be the last of it as we inch closer to the winter season.

Colder weather will plunge south into Alberta later Sunday, and then spread east early next week. A blast of Arctic air is expected for the middle of next week, especially for western parts of the region. Colder than normal temperatures are then expected to dominate as we head into the final week of November.

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Baron - AB temp pattern - Nov14.jpg
Baron - AB temp pattern - Nov14.jpg

It won't be until March 9 that the average daytime high cracks the freezing mark in Edmonton again.

Thumbnail image courtesy: Kyle Brittain

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