Like eggs, but not at $6 a dozen? Is a backyard coop the way to beat eggflation?

The dramatic increase in egg prices has many American consumers bawwwking. But is ditching the supermarket for a backyard chicken coop a realistic option? At-home chicken ownership jumped from 8% in 2018 to 13% in 2020, according to a survey by the American Pet Products Association. RentACoop and Rent The Chicken, deliver customers two to four egg-laying hens, a portable coop, feed, a feeder and waterer, and a beginners guide.

Here are eight things you want to know before you start counting your chickens.

What are the rules about keeping chickens where I live?

Bucks County municipalities have regulations for where people can raise livestock including poultry, and rules vary. Bensalem has no ordinance against owning chickens or roosters and the only clear restrictions on farm animals is a limit of six pigs.  Middletown does not allow chickens on most residential properties.  Doylestown Township limits keeping chickens to lots that are at least five acres and 10 fowl per acre. Make sure to check your local rules before buying any chickens.

Ownership of backyard chickens increased from 8% in 2018 to 13% in 2020, according to a survey by the American Pet Products Association.
Ownership of backyard chickens increased from 8% in 2018 to 13% in 2020, according to a survey by the American Pet Products Association.

How difficult is it to raise chickens? What you should know?

It takes planning and a significant time commitment to start a flock, according to Tractor Supply Co. Chicks cannot control their body temperature, so they require closer monitoring. They need to be fed and water changed daily, and waterers and feeders must be regularly cleaned and disinfected. They need to be let out of the coop each morning and put into the coop at dusk each night to protect them from predators. Eggs should be gathered twice a day. The coop and pen should be cleaned out weekly to maintain sanitation and odor control. At least once a year the coop and yard require a thorough cleaning; cleaning is also necessary before introducing new birds to limit the spread of disease. There are also serious health risks associated with chickens, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

What are the most popular backyard chicken breeds?

Rhode Island Red, Wyandotte, Ameraucana, and Orpington.

Is it expensive to raise chickens?

It is not cheap. Municipalities require fencing fencing and coops and may require special permits that require approval. A professionally built chicken coop can cost $650 on average, and maintenance runs $360 to $720 a year alone, according to Temperature controllers can cost $50 to $200. A quarantine coop can cost about $200 (if chickens are sick they need to be separated); Chicks cannot generate their own heat so you need a heat lamp and also a nest box for every three hens. Roosters are not necessary unless you want your hens to have fertilized eggs to reproduce. The chicks cost an average of $5 to $30 each (more for specialized breeds), monthly expenses for bedding, food, feeders and  waterers can run $30 to $60 a month, depending on the number of chickens.

Cartons of eggs are ready for use at Aunt Judy's Family Restaurant in Doylestown Borough on Thursday, January 19, 2023, as restaurants and consumers continue to contend with the rising cost of eggs.
Cartons of eggs are ready for use at Aunt Judy's Family Restaurant in Doylestown Borough on Thursday, January 19, 2023, as restaurants and consumers continue to contend with the rising cost of eggs.

How many eggs can I expect to get from one hen?

One hen will lay roughly six eggs a week, according to the University of Minnesota Extension. Egg production drops each year when the hens molt (replace their feathers) and as daylight hours are lost. Hens need at least 12 to 14 hours of light each day to continue laying eggs and a regular light bulb is sufficient to supply this light during winter months.

How long until I’ll be eating the eggs

It depends on the breed, according to Tractor Supply Co. Hybrid breeds including Cherry eggers, Golden Comets and Pearl Leghorns mature quicker and can start laying eggs at 17 weeks old. Heritage breeds like Red Caps, Anconas produce eggs at 21 weeks. With some breeds the pullets (the young female chicks) can’t lay eggs until they are more than 26 weeks old, roughly six months.

Is there any health risks associated with chickens?

Yes, salmonella.  Backyard flocks have been connected to at least 1,200 people getting sick with salmonella, according to the CDC. Chickens are dirty birds and bacteria can live on their beak, feathers and digestive track and spread into areas around where the birds live and their handlers making them sick, according to the CDC. Eggs that have feces on them need to be sanitized using  ½-ounce of chlorine per one gallon of warm water, according to Tractor Supply Co.

What predators are dangerous to chickens?

The main ones are raccoons, rats, owls, foxes, hawks and cats.

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This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Egg prices got you bawking? Is a backyard chicken coop the solution.