Egypt's trailblazing all-female comedy show

STORY: These women are performing in Egypt's

first all-female stand-up comedy show

Location: Cairo, Egypt

The show is fully performed and organized by women

Reem Nabil, Co-founder of @comedysett:

"A woman is not expected to be funny. When she does comedy, she is always put in a certain frame where if you just hinted at something sensitive and said your opinion and actually made people laugh, people will say this is not appropriate. But if a man said the same, it will be ok. This is in Egypt and everywhere. In our society, if we are in a cafe and a girl wanted to say something, she will lower her voice, a man won't. This is the same thing that happens on stage."

Episodes tackle social issues and

daily life challenges

The women hope their platform will

empower more women in the industry

Sarrah Abdelrahman, Co-founder @comedysett

"When I met Reem, Noha, and Bernadette for the first time, I was so happy and I felt that I needed to be part of this. I felt that this is what I have been looking for my whole life. There is a stereotype that women don't know how to joke. People used to tell me I'm the only woman that can make them laugh. Thankfully I found other funny women and I said here they are, they can make people laugh. I feel we need to break this stereotype because it is not real."