‘Elden Ring’: Could the ‘Dark Souls 3’ server exploit delay the new game’s release?

An exploit in player vs player servers can leave PC gamers vulnerable  (The Independent)
An exploit in player vs player servers can leave PC gamers vulnerable (The Independent)

A dangerous server exploit has been found in Dark Souls 3 that could allow online players to take control of your computer.

Known as a “remote code execution” (or RCE for short), it could allow players to remotely take control of other gamers’ PCs and execute programs in the background, similar to a Trojan Horse.

The official Dark Souls social media account on Twitter has issued a statement and taken measures to shut down the servers while the company works on a fix.

It appears that the exploit does not currently affect the PvP servers for either Xbox or Playstation, but as the latest FromSoftware title, Elden Ring, is scheduled for release in February 2022, it raises questions about how the game could be affected for PC players on launch day.

Will ‘Elden Ring’ be delayed?

Elden Ring is still scheduled to be released on 25 February 2022 on PS5, PS4, Xbox series X/S, Xbox One and PC, but the server issues could result in the PvP servers being offline until a fix has been put in place.

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If you were hoping to battle with people online in Elden Ring or any of the Dark Souls titles, then it is recommended that you play offline until FromSoftware has confirmed the issue is resolved.

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