Elderly neighbour leaves 14 years of wrapped Christmas presents for girl before he died

Ken Watson, who was 87 when he passed away, lived near to Owen and Caroline Williams for the last two years of his life in Barry, Wales, and befriended their daughter Cadi, then two.

Cadi Williams unwraps one of the presents left to her by elderly neighbour Ken Watson. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams unwraps one of the presents left to her by elderly neighbour Ken Watson. (SWNS)

A kind neighbour has made a little girl’s Christmas by leaving her 14 years of Christmas presents that he wrapped before he died.

Ken Watson, who was 87 when he passed away, lived near to Owen and Caroline Williams for the last two years of his life, and befriended their daughter Cadi, then two.

When he died, they were surprised when his daughter Jenny delivered a sack full of presents for Cadi – one a year to open until she's 16.

The family were "knocked off their feet" by his generosity – and started a tradition of Cadi opening her 'Ken gift' every Christmas Eve.

Ken Watson had bought enough presents to last until Cadi's 16th birthday. (SWNS)
Ken Watson had bought enough presents to last until Cadi's 16th birthday. (SWNS)

The first gift Cadi opened in 2018 was a book, Christmas Eve at the Mellops, by Romi Ungerer.

In 2019 there was a cuddly goat, a train set spelling 'Cadi' was 2020's gift and last year she opened a giant Crayola colouring book.

All the presents are wrapped so the family from Barry, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, have no idea what's inside.

But Cadi, now six, is looking forward to opening Mr Watson’s fifth gift on Saturday.

Cadi Williams is opening a present a year until she's 16. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams is opening a present a year until she's 16. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams shows off a cuddly toy that Ken Watson bought for her before he died. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams shows off a cuddly toy that Ken Watson bought for her before he died. (SWNS)

Mr Williams said: "It was a rainy windy night and I was getting Cadi ready for bed.

"There was a knock at the door, and it was my neighbour's daughter, Jenny, clutching a large bin bag.

"I thought it was rubbish that needed to go out, but she said these are the gifts my dad has put away for Cadi.

A train set spelling 'Cadi' was 2020's gift. (SWNS)
A train set spelling 'Cadi' was 2020's gift. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams looking forward to opening Ken Watson’s fifth gift on Saturday. (SWNS)
Cadi Williams looking forward to opening Ken Watson’s fifth gift on Saturday. (SWNS)

"It was confounding, magical, ridiculous and heart-warming.

"It knocked me off my feet but in the best way possible.”

Mr Watson told the family he would live until the age of 100 – so had bought enough presents to last until Cadi's 16th birthday.

Mr Williams added: ”I took in the sack and started getting them out, and they kept coming and there were 14 in total.

Owen and Caroline Williams said they were 'knocked off their feet' when the presents were delivered to daughter Cadi. (SWNS)
Owen and Caroline Williams said they were 'knocked off their feet' when the presents were delivered to daughter Cadi. (SWNS)
The presents were brought to the Williams family by Ken Watson's daughter. (SWNS)
The presents were brought to the Williams family by Ken Watson's daughter. (SWNS)

"They were all beautifully wrapped in thin traditional paper, the kind your grandparents use.”

Mr Watson passed away in 2018 from cancer and now Mr Williams hopes to inspire others to get to know their neighbours this Christmas.

Mr Williams said: "We all have a neighbour, they live above, below and besides you.

"You never know what doors might be opened by opening a door.”