Election letters to the Sun, Aug. 1 primary

Note to readers: Ballots for the Aug. 2 primary election in Kitsap County have been mailed to registered voters. Below, a selection of recently received letters regarding upcoming races. To register to vote or learn more about candidates and ballot measures in 2023 local elections, visit www.kitsapgov.com/auditor/Pages/elections.aspx.

Review candidate forums before Aug. 1 primarySchool board races have sparked extraordinarily high interest around the United States this year, and Kitsap County is no exception. In advance of the Aug. 1 primary election, the League of Women Voters of Kitsap held forums for board candidates in the North, Central, and South Kitsap school districts. More than 200 questions for the candidates were received from the public and League members. The forums were viewed live on Zoom by 267 people and then on YouTube and other platforms by more than 1,000.A link to the forums is here: www.lwv-kitsap.org/candidate-forums/. The forums are also available to view online at BKAT, the local community access television station, at www.bremertonwa.gov/402/Bremerton-Kitsap-Access-Television-BKAT. Additionally, the forums will be broadcast through BKAT on Comcast Channel 12 and Astound Broadband Channel 3 at various times on July 30.LWVK will hold another series of forums in October before the Nov. 7 general election that will feature other races as well as school boards. Check for times and dates on the League website, lwv-kitsap.org. In the meantime, be sure to mail in or drop off your primary ballot by Aug. 1.Kim Abel, forums chair, League of Women Voters of Kitsap

A wise choice to support the fire levy

I write to remind our South Kitsap voters to be "penny wise and not pound foolish," as a twist on the phrase that arose in 1621 in Merry Old England.Voters can be wise spending their pennies by voting "yes" to raise the current South Kitsap Fire and Rescue levy back to the $1.50 per $1,000 in valuation rate allowed by the state. Every six years we must re-approve that levy rate! August 1 is the election to do that.This re-approval levy will allow Fire District 7 to hire additional firefighters to keep up with our growing population and and service request volumes. Vote yes, to be penny wise and not pound foolish!W. Daniel Phillips, Manchester

Two members of the CK school board to bring back

This August we have a very important primary election that will help determine the future of the Central Kitsap School District.

As a longtime member of this community, a former school board member, and a current ESD 114 board member, I care deeply about the future of CKSD and the children of our community. I also understand the importance of electing school board members that are reasonable, responsive to our community, and educated about the issues facing public education. Drayton Jackson and Meghan Hein have demonstrated the skills to be the effective and committed board members that we need.

Your vote makes a difference in this primary election. Please join me in voting to re-elect Drayton Jackson and Meghan Hein to the CKSD Board of Directors.

Bruce Richards, Silverdale

Godfrey's experience is a strong fit for North Kitsap schools

We support Bev Godfrey to serve on the North Kitsap School Board. We have known her for many years, during which time she has completed an accomplished career in education in our county.

Her teaching career is extensive; she has taught elementary students in Kitsap school districts working closely with fellow teachers and specialists, teacher assistants, principals, office staff, administrators, and thousands of parents. She respects the important roles that all these individuals play in the educational development of our children. Teamwork, respect and cooperation are important values for her. She is also quite capable of standing up for what is right.

Bev believes strongly that parents and community members need to be heard and responded to, and she will do all she can to strengthen the District’s ability to be responsive.

Bev and her husband Glen have both been active in the North Kitsap community in many ways beyond the classroom. They have served as school and community volunteers and have been active in church, sports and outdoor activities. They have played important roles in the lives of their four grown children and their grandchildren. Her personal experience with foster care, adoption and private tutoring systems in our community makes her an excellent resource person in and out of the classroom.

Bev’s extensive education experience, energy and desire to listen and strengthen district communication channels will serve her and the those in the community she represents well. We encourage you to vote for her.

Larry and Mary Eyer, Bremerton

Cameron's involvement makes him good for Bremerton

I support Marwan Cameron's campaign for the Bremerton City Council.

A deep commitment to community building shines through in everything he does. I first became acquainted with Marwan through his work with the unhoused community living on MLK Way in downtown Bremerton. I saw how he consistently (and persistently!) engaged with the City Council to try to meet the needs of this growing population.

Through his membership in the Kitsap County Housing and Homelessness Coalition, he has developed a comprehensive understanding of the housing crisis. His podcast, The Conduit, provides a wonderful service by highlighting important community issues and providing opportunities for dialogue with folks from a wide variety of perspectives. His growing nonprofit organization provides transportation, food and job training services.

In addition, he's a good problem solver because he truly listens in order to address the root cause of issues dear to him like housing, transportation, healthcare and employment, just to name a few. He is a candidate whose values and leadership skills offer a sensible approach to city government. He will work tirelessly to build a community where everyone can thrive, should he be elected. As such, I encourage readers to support this worthy candidate.

Jo Walter, Bremerton

Supporting the South Kitsap fire levy

South Kitsap residents now have an opportunity to vote for Proposition 1, to preserve the excellent service of South Kitsap Fire and Rescue. The outstanding leadership of Chief Jeff Faucett is something we should all be very grateful for.

To not approve this important measure would be a slap in the face to the firefighters of South Kitsap.

I have seen first-hand the response of SKFR and have been personally impacted and I am profoundly grateful to SKFR. We deserve a first-class operation here in South Kitsap and I sincerely hope others will agree and pass this important measure. To not approve this proposition will severely impact SKFR and cut personnel and impact response times.

Robert Roblee, Southworth

Bond and levy proponents haven’t justified the costs to me

I agree with the letter writers who wrote to state they will vote no on the levy and bond issues coming up in South Kitsap for schools and the fire department.

To me, neither of the proponents of these issues have provided justification for these large sums of money. I have never heard of an independent audit performed on either of these entities.

For the fire department, more calls do not equate to needing more fire stations. Also, the fire department has not stated the justification for moving the station from its present location to property it purchased at the intersection of Woods Road and Mile Hill Drive. By the way, where did the money come from to purchase these lots if they are so hurting for funds?

For the school replacements, where is the justification? What has been the student enrollment in each of these schools for the past 10 years? All we hear is that the schools are old and there is nothing about overcrowding.

And rather than telling us what you want to do, does the administration lack the incentive to spell out how much each want would cost? Ah, but this just might shed some light on their cost, plus estimates.

I would certainly require additional justification and an independent audits of the school district and the fire department before even considering supporting either of these issues.

Dave Dahlke, Port Orchard

This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: Election letters to the Sun, Aug. 1 primary