Elections 2022: Candidates for Ingham County Treasurer in their own words

Vying for Ingham County Treasure are Democrat Alan Fox and Republican Bruce A. Little. If you are unsure if you vote for this position, visit the Michigan Voter Information Center to find your sample ballot customized to your name or home address.

Whether you choose to vote absentee or in person, get to know the candidates before you vote by reading their responses to key issues facing Ingham County residents.

Here (below) are candidates in their own words. To return to the main election package, click here.

Meet the candidates

Alan Fox
Alan Fox

Alan Fox (Democrat): I grew up in East Lansing and raised five children there.  I now live in Lansing. I served as Chief Deputy Treasurer for nearly 4-1/2 years before I was appointed Treasurer on April 5. I understand and have experience with both the internal and public functions of the office. Before that many years of experience managing a small business and various nonprofits. Staff of State Rep. Lynn Jondahl, U.S. Rep. Bob Carr, Governor James Blanchard. Consumer advocate for Michigan Citizens Lobby and Consumer Federation of America. East Lansing City Council, 1977-1981. Ingham County Board of Canvassers 1993-2017.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): I am a 30 year resident of eastern Meridian Township. My wife and I live in the house we built in 1994. 40 years of property tax administration experience working both with County and Local Treasurers. Have been a level 4 assessor since 1990. As a level 4 assessor I have been Jackson County Equalization Director, and Assessor for various units. In all positions I have had to work side by side with both county and local Treasurers. Previous Meridian Township Supervisor. Many years as a Precinct Delegate, and active in the County and State Republican Committees.

On financial audits

Alan Fox (Democrat): I was a key part of the team that solved these (audit) problems. The county has a diverse set of functions administered by people with varying degrees of expertise dealing with technical financial issues. A properly staffed financial services office with support from the Treasurer's office and continuing communication with other offices are the keys.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): Throughout my career I have had to file hundreds of various forms with the State. I have also been through many State Audits. These have never been a problem.

On systemic racism

Alan Fox (Democrat): We have to recognize the lasting impacts of systemic racism on housing ownership in the country, including in our community.  We train our staff to understand those realities.  We need to continue to reach out to all parts of the community through both traditional and less traditional communications media to be sure that opportunities are more widely available.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): Ingham County has the highest average Property Tax Millage Rate in the State of Michigan. I will work at convincing the County Board to reduce our property taxes to be more equitable with surrounding counties with a rate ½ what Ingham Currently levies.

On the COVID-19 response

Alan Fox (Democrat): Under the leadership of Health Director Linda Vail, the county has responded quickly and with clarity as circumstances changed. Thanks to the actions of the County Board of Commissioners, Ingham County was one of the first places in the country to get federal relief money from the ARPA program into peoples' hands.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): No response.

On economic stability and inflation

Alan Fox (Democrat): We have in the region several large projects — FRIB, the battery plant, Amazon — that will bring growth and attract related jobs. Vital to be sure that quality affordable housing is available. Important to strengthen communities that MSU and local high school graduates want to live and work in.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): Our overly burdensome taxes are a major deterrent to business expansion and hiring. Lower taxes equate to more jobs.

Other issues of import

Alan Fox (Democrat): How climate change will affect our communities. This requires thought and communication outside the ordinary day-to-day business.

Bruce A. Little (Republican): The failure of the Land Bank administered by the County Treasurer. This consistently money losing program removes the best properties from the annual delinquent tax auction. This does not allow their return to the tax rolls. The treasurer than tries to redevelopment the properties, using contractors that in the past have been relatives and cronies of the treasurer. The county would be will served by eliminating this program.

This story was assembled from email questionnaires managed by LSJ news assistants Jayne Higo and Veronica Bolanos. Contact them at LSJ-EAs@lsj.com or 517.377.1112.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Elections 2022: Candidates for Ingham County Treasurer