Elections 2022: Candidates for Ingham County Board District 15 in their own words

On this year's ballot are candidates for the Ingham County Board of Commissioners (15 seats). If you are unsure which county district you vote in, visit the Ingham County website to find more information — including a map of each district.

Whether you choose to vote absentee or in person, get to know the candidates before you vote by reading their responses to key issues facing Ingham County residents.

Here (below) are candidates in their own words. To return to the main election package, click here.

Meet the candidates

Brooke Locke (Democrat): I have always been very active in our community and served on several boards and enjoyed every minute of it. I love to serve the community I live work and play in and I love being able to help and support my neighbors. I want to serve in this position because I believe we all need a seat at the table, and I am open to hearing everyone’s thoughts to continue to move us forward. We need leadership and passion not just one-sided decisions based on personal beliefs. This District represents many different backgrounds, and they should all be celebrated. I live in Williamston Michigan, and I am a Realtor with Keller Williams and work at Tavern 109 in Williamston. I have served as Chamber President of the Williamston Chamber of Commerce on two different occasions and am the Former Chair of the Williamston Zoning Board of Appeals. I love to serve in the community where I live, work and play. I have served on board such as the Zoning Board of appeals, I have server on Patient Advocate boards as well as Lansing Pride board. I have worked on campaigns since I was 19 years old, and I have always been very active in what is going on in the areas I live. I ran for School Board in Perry as a Senior in High School and now have decided to run again.

Monica Schafer (Republican): As a local business owner, farmer, board member, coach, volunteer, wife, and proud mother of six children, I'm running for Ingham County Commissioner because I understand the district's concerns because they are my concerns also. My husband and I live with our family of 6 children in Williamstown Township. Aside from background, raising a family, previous real-estate license, and furthering my knowledge by obtaining a certificate for a Michigan Certified Assessing Technician, we own and operate Schafer Raspberries. It is a U-pick agrotourism farm that is becoming a community destination. My affiliation and position on the North American Raspberry and Blackberry Association board has allowed me to continue expanding our u-pick operations. Safety, security, and a thriving downtown are essential aspects of where we choose to live and relax, just as they are for most. Involvement in our local community started 15+ years ago as a volunteer youth sports coach. Through the years, it morphed into involvement in local organizations, teen life leadership roles, planning significant community events, and being a trusted voice.

On systemic racism

Brooke Locke
Brooke Locke

Brooke Locke (Democrat): First thing is to make sure everyone has a seat at the table. We need to make sure that we provide health care in our county for everyone. We need to continue to strengthen our nondiscrimination policies and act when they are violated not make excuses. We are Stronger Together and the sooner we realize that and embrace that the sooner we can change the statistics.

Monica Schafer (Republican): Continuously following up on the services provided and collecting accurate data. Then an in-depth analysis of the data to get to the root cause of the issues.

On the COVID-19 response

Brooke Locke (Democrat): First, I was not in a position to be a part of the decisions of COVID-19, and I do believe the county took action to protect the residents to the best of their abilities with the information we knew about the virus at the time. As for what we should be doing next is investing in our small business in our communities and help them to survive. Spend money local and support our neighbors so we do not lose any more businesses due to the Pandemic. Continue to follow and study what we have learned to prevent a repeat of the past.

Monica Schafer
Monica Schafer

Monica Schafer (Republican): We are in a much better position now than we were two years ago when it comes to understanding Covid-19. Going forward, the ability to quickly adapt and seek a comprehensive local approach will be essential. As we advance, the needs of businesses, families, students, and the health of our communities need to be at the forefront of decisions.

On economic stability and inflation

Brooke Locke (Democrat): First thing we can do is support our local merchants and restaurants etc. Visit your local farmers market and support your local farmers. Get back to work and be a part of the solution to keeping our economy moving and thriving. I also think we should be looking at investing in bringing back and producing for ourselves. We have become a land of consumers rather than the producers we should be.

Monica Schafer (Republican): Responsible government spending is necessary to keep inflation in control by applying a balanced budget approach. The Ingham County budget needs to stay within its means, just as a household must remain within its means.

On election security

Brooke Locke (Democrat): I am confident in the process of our elections and believe in the men and women who work very hard to see that our elections remain safe and secure. I accept the results of the 2020 election.

Monica Schafer (Republican): Safe and secure elections are necessary for voters to know that their vote counts and their voices are relevant. The county commissioners need to work together across party lines to ensure the process is transparent to the public. Hence, all voters and candidates have confidence in the election process.

On public safety

Brooke Locke (Democrat): We must build bridges. We must stop the racial divide and continue to invest in programs that teach trades rather than violence. We have amazing community organizations in our community that we need to partner with to ensure we are providing alternatives rather than violence. We need to make sure that we are equal and not divided. We have work to do but there is amazing work already being done and we should partner with them.

Monica Schafer (Republican): I would continue to support the efforts by the current Ingham County Commissioners working alongside law enforcement and public safety entities and the mutual decision to enact the Advance Peace initiative. Advance Peace is a program that makes an effort to reduce gun violence in Ingham County and protect all citizens.

Other issues of import

Brooke Locke (Democrat): We have a fair and affordable housing issue. We do not have enough homes and as a result rents are driving up. We need to get back to building homes and making sure we have fair and affordable housing available for everyone.

Monica Schafer (Republican): Broadband accessibility. Broadband and Technology upgrades are essential in today's world. The pandemic, along with isolation, has put it in the spotlight. Broadband needs to be a top priority for Ingham County.

This story was assembled from email questionnaires managed by LSJ news assistants Jayne Higo and Veronica Bolanos. Contact them at LSJ-EAs@lsj.com or 517.377.1112.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Election 2022: Candidates for Ingham County Board District 15 in their own words