Elephant at St. Louis Zoo Dies After Dog Runs Loose Near Enclosure

St. Louis Zoo
St. Louis Zoo

An elephant at the St. Louis Zoo died last week after a small dog running loose in the facility ran past its enclosure, “agitating” the herd and possibly exacerbating a pre-existing heart condition suffered by the animal, according to zoo officials. Rani, who was a 27-year-old female Asian elephant, died Friday following the commotion. “We are absolutely devastated,” said Michael Macek, the St. Louis Zoo’s Director. “We ask for the community’s thoughts and support during this difficult time.” The small dog was apparently lost and quickly ran past the elephant exhibit on a sojourn around the zoo. Though Rani was inside eating dinner and never saw the canine itself, she heard her fellow elephants vocalizing their stress at the situation and became agitated. The rest of the herd was given time to mourn and is “doing well,” zoo officials said.

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