Elizabeth Warren Met Her Doppelgänger at a Rally, and I Don't Know Who's Who

Photo credit: Sean Rayford - Getty Images
Photo credit: Sean Rayford - Getty Images


Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has a very specific look—spot any middle-aged woman with short blonde hair, clear glasses, and a blue cardigan or blazer talking emphatically about the middle class and chances are you've found Warren.

So when Stephanie Oyen, a Warren supporter, showed up to her recent town hall in Minnesota looking the same way, people took notice.

Oyen told the Boston Globe that, in the past, family members told her when she wore her own glasses that she looked a lot like the candidate. When she found out Warren would be speaking at a college in Saint Paul, she put on a blue blazer and her glasses (which she'd previously worn as a Halloween costume) and went over.

And quickly, people were confused: Oyen told the Globe that people first seemed to mistake her for Warren during a quick trip to the grocery store before the event. Then when she arrived, she said, "I came in from the back and wanted to get close to the stage, so as I was walking up to the stage, all of a sudden people start yelling, ‘She’s here, she’s here,’ and clapping and cheering. I didn’t know what to do. I was so uncomfortable."

"It got weird very fast," she told the Star Tribune. "I talk with my hands and shake my head, which only made me look more like Elizabeth Warren. I was saying 'I’m not her!' but I could have been saying 'Medicare for all!'"

The Tribune reports that Oyen eventually took off the blazer and glasses and instead "hid behind a tall guy" because she felt so bad for the confusion. "I’m not a prankster," she said. "I really thought people would know, but then they started running up and saying ‘You’re my hero!’ and taking photos. I felt so bad."

At the end of the event, Oyen still decided to wait in line for a selfie with Warren and says when the candidate spotted her, she looked her up and down and said, "We need to talk!" The two took some photos together, and Oyen got the chance to tell Warren how much she admired her. Though doubts are she'll ever wear that particular outfit out in public again.

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