Elleda Wilson: License to wed

Jul. 28—The Clatsop County Clerk's Office released a press release about one of her many duties, issuing marriage licenses.

County Clerk Tracie Krevanko said her office processes about two dozen marriage licenses each week, which is roughly triple the usual number. Couples from all over the U.S. are drawn here to exchange their vows because of the large number of dramatic scenic backdrops available to choose from.

Just so you know, weddings aren't being performed at the clerk's office anymore. Before getting the certificate, you need to be aware of the rules (one of which is a three-day wait) which are here: bit.ly/ClatsopWed

"When you add up the local people wanting to get married with out-of-state couples," Krevanko said, "we are having a lot of people wanting to get a license."