Elleda Wilson: Remedies

Jun. 9—Tidbits from The Daily Morning Astorian, June 9, 1888:

—Astoria No. 1's fire engine was engaged in religious duty yesterday in a holy attempt to flush the filthy Main Street sewer. Cleanliness is not only next to, but is part and parcel of godliness, and it is godly work to keep the streets from smelling so loud that people cry out for carbolic acid and the coroner as they pass quickly by.

—Paine's Celery Compound: Cures nervous prostration, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervous weakness, stomach and liver diseases, rheumatism dyspepsia and all affections of the kidneys. $1 ($30 now).

Note: People probably just forgot what was wrong with them after taking this; while some of its contents are a bit of celery and coriander seed and hydrochloric acid, the main ingredient was alcohol.

—Look out for the man who is advertising an infallible cure for a corn, price $1, and money refunded if the corn does not disappear. If you send him a dollar, you will receive by return mail the following recipe: "Cut off your toe."