How to embed a YouTube video in Google Slides in 4 simple steps to make your slideshow presentations more engaging

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It's easy to embed a YouTube video in Google Slides to make for a better presentation. Shutterstock

Slideshows have a reputation for being somewhat uninspired. While they are a slightly more visual format than sending off an email, and can be a useful way to convey information, sometimes they're just a little bit lacking when it comes to holding people's attention.

For those looking to make their slides more interactive or interesting, embedding a YouTube video can do the trick (provided, of course, that it makes sense within the larger context of the presentation).

And luckily for those who use Google's suite of products, this is a feature that's built into Google Slides, making it an easy and quick way to spice up those boring slideshows.

Here's what you'll need to know to do it.

How to embed a YouTube Video in Google Slides

Before getting started, you'll want to grab a copy of the YouTube video URL you want to use.

And keep in mind that slideshows with multiple slides work a little differently — after completing step one, you'll have to select the proper slide in the left sidebar to ensure the video is uploaded onto the proper one.

With that in mind, here's how to embed a YouTube video onto your slide:

1. Go to and either create a new slideshow or go into the one where you want to embed the YouTube video.

2. In the top toolbar, click "Insert" and then choose "Video."

Select Video under the Insert tab. Devon Delfino/Business Insider

3. Paste the YouTube video URL (or if you don't have that, type the name) into the text box and click the search button.

Paste the YouTube video's URL or search for it with the title. Devon Delfino/Business Insider

4. Click on the correct YouTube video, making sure that the thumbnail and title match the one you want to include, and then click the blue "Select" button at the bottom of the pop-up.

Select the YouTube video you want to embed. Devon Delfino/Business Insider

A preview of the video will appear on the slide — you can then resize or reposition it as needed.

To resize it, click and drag one of the blue boxes along the edge of the video. In order to avoid warping the video by making it too wide or narrow, for example, stick to using the corner boxes when resizing.

To reposition it, click and drag the video to any part of the slide. You should see the cursor turn into a four-sided arrow when you hover over the video.

As you drag the video to its new position, red guide lines will appear on the slide to help you center it perfectly within the slide.

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