An Encouraging Word: Speaking clearly and simply

Why is it, in our attempts to make things easier, we often make them more difficult?

Take acronyms, for example. To save time reading, writing, tweeting, texting, or talking, we reduce words or phrases to letters. Those who have a fondness for using these puzzlers assume everyone else knows what they are talking about.

‘Taint necessarily so! Some years ago I received a number of emails from my siblings about plans for getting together over a New Year’s weekend. One began his reply by saying, “If you get an approx ETA [Estimated Time of Arrival, just in case] …”

Now, I know what ETA means! So to make my brother smile, I looked up some legitimate acronyms to use in my response.

Here is what I wrote: “This is my RSVP [reply] RE [regarding] your request for an ETA [estimated time of arrival].

“FYI [For your information]: With our EDD [estimated departure date] on Friday, I am uncertain of our ETA [estimated time of arrival]. That will largely be determined by whether we choose NTE [not to exceed] the posted MPH [miles per hour] limits, any DOT [Department of Transportation] activity on the highways, and/or the presence of the MSP [Michigan State Police] or OSHP [Ohio State Highway Patrol] conducting speed checks or escorting VIPs [very important persons]. Certainly there will be a lot of EOY [end of year] traffic, and we will always need to be aware of EMTs [Emergency Medical Technicians] that might be responding to 911 [emergency] calls.

“During this YTD [year to date], three of the four of us are now old enough to join the AARP [Association of American Retired Persons], so we might be driving like TOAD [tourists on a detour]. However, we won't be driving RVs [recreational vehicles] or OHVs [off highway vehicles] such as SUVs [sport utility vehicles] or ATVs [all-terrain vehicles]. Our sister and brother-in-law might be in their 4WD [four-wheel-drive], and we will probably drive our VW [Volkswagen].

“I do not feel we will need a GPS [global positioning service] to arrive safely at our DD [desired destination], and since we might bring some USDA [United Stated Department of Agriculture] approved holiday food, I do not anticipate the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] needing to issue a HAZMAT [hazardous materials] permit.

“In summary, our ETA [estimated time of arrival] to Central Ohio is yet TBA [to be announced], but we will let you know ASAP [as soon as possible]. Providing the FCC [Federal Communications Commission] maintains its excellent communication system, we will use our cell phones in transit to transmit any COP [change of plans] or any possible TTD [true-time delay].

“Looking forward to our NYW [New Year’s weekend] FR [family reunion] at our bother and sister-in-law’s.

“Yer brudder, TC”

Now it would have been easier to read this if I had written simply and clearly, but it wouldn’t have been as much fun! The apostle Paul talked about clarity when he wrote, “If I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner. I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than 10 thousand unintelligible words” — (1 Corinthians 14:11, 19).

God has communicated clearly with us through our recent celebration of the birth of Jesus, whose name means Immanuel [God with us] (Matthew 1:23). He would be called the Son of God (Luke 1: 35), Savior (Luke 2:11), and King (Matthew 2:2). As we post new calendars and begin a new year, let’s thank God for clearly providing a fresh start through the life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection of Jesus, our Immanuel. May He lead us throughout 2023!

Tom Cash is the senior minister at First Church of Christ in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. He also serves as Chaplain for Hospice of the Eastern Upper Peninsula. On Facebook he is known as Yooper Pastor and Yooper Pasty.

This article originally appeared on The Sault News: An Encouraging Word: Speaking clearly and simply