Endorsement: Desert Sun Editorial Board's choice for 47th Assembly District

Christy Holstege, left, and Greg Wallis, right.
Christy Holstege, left, and Greg Wallis, right.
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For eight years, residents of the western Coachella Valley have been ably represented in the state Assembly by the moderate Chad Mayes.  No matter what happens on Nov. 8, residents will have a new person speaking for them in Sacramento for the next two years.

Mayes won election in 2020 as an independent after serving as a Republican for six years, but chose not to seek the new Assembly District 47 seat following the 2021 redistricting process.

The new district encompasses much of the former District 42 represented by Mayes plus most of the western and central Coachella Valley. Banning, Beaumont, Idyllwild, Yucca Valley and the north central Riverside County desert stretching nearly to Desert Center are also in the district.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know the two candidates are Democrat Christy Holstege, a current Palm Springs city councilmember, and Republican Greg Wallis, who spent the past seven years working for Mayes. For weeks, mailboxes have been stuffed with fliers on behalf of both candidates, many of them full of polarizing hyperbole. The clamorous nature of this campaign has probably pushed many voters back into predictable, hyper-partisan corners. That’s a pity.

California still has many things going for it, but we can’t ignore the myriad problems — homelessness, inflation, drought, exorbitant housing prices, an expensive and underperforming public school system, wildfires and more.

Despite a supermajority and a huge budget surplus, Democrats have struggled to even hold the line on problems like homelessness (of course, the pandemic and rampant inflation isn’t helping). Quite a few Republicans have too often sat on the sidelines and offered more heat than light.

Holstege has significant experience in city government and as an attorney serving disadvantaged clients. She is well-versed on the ins and outs of policy. Depending on your perspective, her approach can be bold — or brash. When Holstege has stood up for more transparency from College of the Desert, or taken Sheriff Chad Bianco to task for his poor leadership on COVID-19, we’ve aligned with her.

Yet on fiscal issues such as tapping city coffers for a controversial pilot universal basic income program, or requiring “hero pay” for grocery store workers during the pandemic, we’ve had concerns about her approach on spending taxpayer — or private companies’ — money. Imagining her advocating for such policies (and beyond) at the state level gives us pause.

Wallis is less of a known quantity but clearly has learned a thing or two under Mayes, and he is arguably more familiar with legislating at the state level. Though soft-spoken, he demonstrates a detailed knowledge of issues ranging from water infrastructure to the unfair makeup of the Imperial Irrigation District board (an issue championed, albeit rather fruitlessly, by Mayes).

Although some have endeavored to paint Wallis as an extremist Republican, as best we can tell his positions are pretty centrist for someone with GOP support these days. He is on the record as supporting codifying Roe-type abortion access in state law, backs LGBTQ rights, and acknowledges that climate change is real and needs addressing. He’s a proponent of more in-house drug and mental health treatment centers to address homelessness, and has vowed to work across the aisle to get things done.

Wallis has sought to keep the focus of his campaign on issues like the cost of living, public safety and better schools. While we have reservations about his support for ideas like suspending the gas tax (which funds much-needed roads and bridges), we appreciate that he understands that subsidizing affordable housing units does not actually reduce the expense of building them and some kind of regulatory reform needs to happen on that front to truly bring costs down.

Politicians in Sacramento need to start grappling with the hard economics of state policies — not just on housing but also things like electric vehicles and clean energy mandates — to align their good intentions with real-world outcomes we can actually afford.

We don’t doubt that Holstege, if elected, would be a strong advocate for bringing state resources to the 47th District. But thinking a bit more broadly about the types of voices that we’d like to see shaping policy in Sacramento, Wallis’ down-to-earth pragmatism is appealing.

Chad Mayes, I-Rancho Mirage, brought his baby daughter Mila to the Assembly floor in the final weeks of the 2022 legislative session.
Chad Mayes, I-Rancho Mirage, brought his baby daughter Mila to the Assembly floor in the final weeks of the 2022 legislative session.

In our view, the Legislature could use more politicians in Mayes’ mold. We’re willing to endorse Wallis and give him two years to show us what he can do — not just for us residents of the 47th District, but for all Californians.

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Desert Sun Editorial Board endorsement in 47 AD Wallis vs. Holstege