Enfield restaurant upgrades prompt change in parking on local streets

Recent renovations to Jimmy’s Pub and Pizza Palace on Enfield Street have been good for business, but that has led to parking issues and complaints from local residents.

The Pizza Palace restaurant was converted to a takeout and delivery-only service, and the former dining space was added to the pub business, which had been thriving. Owner Ken Bedard had the pub space remodeled last summer, including a larger stage area to accommodate entertainment, such as musical acts.

But, people staying at the pub for longer to enjoy the entertainment, as opposed to diners who come-and-go more frequently, has lead to an overflow of the establishment’s parking lot, and patrons have been parking along side streets.

At the Town Council meeting, on Nov. 14, the council passed a temporary resident-only permit program for Francis Street, Highland Park, Pequot Avenue, and Nonotuck Street for 120 days - buying the town and the business time to explore other solutions. The program would go into effect Dec. 1, and would be subject to renewal on or before March 21, 2023.

Town Manager Ellen Zoppo-Sassu said there have been significant community conversations about the issue, and some work done by Bedard to identify ancillary parking at other local businesses, but that agreement has not been approved, with liability among issues still being discussed.

How exactly the resident parking only would be implemented has yet to be determined.

“Through a sticker system, most likely, with signage,” Zoppo-Sassu said. “We will continue to assist, in any way we can, with safe alternate parking for patrons of Jimmy’s Pub.”

An issue is that one location for parking is across Enfield Street (Route 5), which is usually busy and hazardous for pedestrians to cross in that area. The area is also being reviewed for snow removal and parking issues, as well as public safety access.

Council members said a solution that is fair to everyone should be reachable.

“I think this kind of resolution is something which balances the business’ interest with those of homeowners,” said council member Nick Hopkins. “We want the business to continue functioning in our town. We also want people to enjoy their house and their children to be safe.”

Council member Ken Nelson praised Bedard for his cooperation.

“He hasn’t nixed any ideas we’ve come up with,” Nelson said. “This is something that’s new, and we’re trying to work with. He’s considered valet parking, which is still on the table. That’s something that’s huge for a business to take on. He is on board, 100%, to make this work.”

Zoppo-Sassu said that before Dec. 1, there will be further discussion with the police department, the restaurant, and neighbors, on how the temporary parking system would work.

“It’s still going to be a complaint-driven process,” Zoppo-Sassu said. “I don’t foresee that there is going to be an active, directed patrol in that neighborhood.”

“Let’s take the 120-day route, see how everything goes,” said Mayor Bob Cressotti.

The ordinance passed by a vote of 10-1.

For more information, visit www.enfield-ct.gov.

Steve Smith can be reached at ssmith@courant.com.