Enjoying the fruits of the summer gardens in Iowa City area

In an attempt to prolong the summer, I have visited several gardens in recent weeks.

Roses are blooming, tomatoes are still green on the vine, the petunias are soaking up the sun, and my impatiens are blooming better than ever.

But the calendar says it's autumn, harvest time, and it is true that some summer plants are being replaced by bright yellow mums, dahlias, burnished autumn sedum and pumpkins.

It is always a treat to visit Janis Russell’s garden on Rochester Avenue in Iowa City. Russell loves to garden and it shows in her choice of plants, their care, and her beautiful yard. The front yard has a special hydrangea tree. Its large flower heads go from green to white to reddish as the summer leads into fall.

Some of her roses still have their sheer mittens on, which is Russell's way of keeping them safe from the Japanese beetles.

Clematis is one of her favorites, and they cover the fences, trellis and gazebo. Pruning them at the right time for each is a big job. Russell just retired from the University of Iowa Hospitals and was glad to have the extra time to prune and then enjoy this special plant.

October is pumpkin month, and last Sunday afternoon a semi loaded with pumpkins and gourds made its way into the First Presbyterian Church’s parking lot at 2701 Rochester Ave. in Iowa City. From New Mexico, these pumpkins are raised in amended soil on an American Indian reservation; 2,500 pumpkins plus the gourds will be for sale through October as a fundraiser for the youth of the church.

The prices will vary as the company has a special tape measure to determine the cost. They are sold by circumference rather than weight.

Hours for this pumpkin patch are Monday through Friday, 3:30-6:30 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 6:30 p.m.

In Solon, I visited with Sharon and Bob Brogan who have one of the largest gardens around. Tour buses have brought hundreds of people through the years to admire their thousands of plants.

They used to pot up in the late winter somewhere around 5,000 seeds, growing them in their greenhouse. They have reduced that number to around 1,500, which still makes their landscape overflowing with color and beautiful healthy hostas, grasses, zinnias, roses and trees.

The Brogans have planted several peach trees from peach seeds. They crack open the pits and remove the seed, which looks like an almond. It needs some cold time to mimic our Iowa winter and can be planted in the spring or fall. Look for all the directions in a later column or google it.

Last week I spent two mornings in Kalona. Clyde Seery, who has been with Ball Horticulture Seeds for many years, was my guide. He knows many Amish gardeners, what they plant, and how they get everything to the market.

We visited the Tobias Miller farm, where they grow acres of tomatoes, huge heads of cabbage, mums in all their special colors, and strawberries for jam. They have two greenhouses to start the mums and other plants from seed.

The mums are planted in big pots right away. The pots spend the summer side by side hooked together by tubes that run water to them. Mums do require some shaping and care during the summer as they grow, but the result is huge mums in colors of yellow, purple, white, maroon, and more.

In September and October, the mums are taken to the Kalona Auction house, where thousands of tomatoes, apples, gourds, onions, potatoes, and more, are auctioned off in large quantities.

With all this produce and flowers blooming, it is hard to realize the beginning of October is a signal that we are nearing the end of the gardening season. Yet it is a beautiful month, still warm on many days, and the leaves in all their color make it a special time each year.

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Enjoying the fruits of the summer gardens in Iowa City area