Ensure power at the state level is part of the country's foundation

Issues such as health care, abortion and same-sex marriage are not the responsibilities of the federal government. They are issues delegated to the states under the Tenth Amendment. That's why past rulings by the Supreme Court on these topics are wrong.

When Roe vs. Wade was tossed out the Court fixed that error by leaving it up to each state as to how to decide this issue. The Democrats want to consolidate power in Washington, D.C., they want it to be as far removed from the people as possible. This is why our Constitution was written the way it was. To centralize power in Washington, D.C. is to create a tyranny over the people. We the people will lose our freedom.

This is why the Tenth Amendment is so important. It keeps power at the state level. We are 50 united but separate states. The Tenth Amendment prevents larger, more populous states from forcing their values onto the less populated states. This is why we have an electoral college, to keep all of our states valuable during a Presidential election. A candidate must appeal to all states' citizens to ensure their election.

If we eliminate that we will suffer the same fate as it is here in Washington State, where a statewide election is almost always decided by 1 or 2 counties out of 39 due to their larger population. Thus we are citizens in the state but not represented by these elected officials. Our votes are marginalized.

We are not a democracy, we are a republic.

Robert Boulds, Port Orchard

This article originally appeared on Kitsap Sun: Ensure power at the state level is part of the country's foundation