Enter the Journal's Captions Contest: Bringing to light the untold - and untrue - stories behind the pictures

Jul. 23—"This reminds me of the paddle our principal had when I was in high school in 1960. Ouch!" PREMETIVO R. GABALDON JR., Albuquerque "Lowering the strike zone to toe level is reducing the extra base hits." DWAYNE ARGAUD, Albuquerque "Does this paddle make me look too big?" STEPHANIE NEWMAN, Albuquerque With only one fan watching, the game of Squats is off to a slow start. LINDA KAY LIVINGSTON, Albuquerque Odd innings — cricket. Even innings — baseball. By the end of the game no one knows who won but international relations with England have greatly improved. LINDA SOLOMON, Albuquerque "What happened to our regulation bats? Did the bat makers go on strike?" JOAN NEWMAN, Albuquerque "If that cricket jumps again, I'll smack it with this here bat." ED RODRIGUEZ, Albuquerque Cricket seems to be putting on hockey equipment and using a fraternity paddle to protect some lumber. RICK WELLER, Albuquerque "I know they're trying to low ball me." ROBERT WAYNE, Albuquerque Because too many players were getting beaned with the hardball, Major League Baseball is now using a pickle ball. MICHAEL PACHECO, Albuquerque MLB players learning to play T-ball. LAWRENCE TALAHONGVA, Albuquerque Only one spectator showed up for the inaugural cricket game at Isotopes Park. LYNN JOHNSON, Placitas "Just bloody wack it ol' boy; it's a wicked wicket." TODD TIBBALS, Albuquerque