Dripped Out Brooklyn Bishop Lamor Whitehead Found Guilty Of Wire Fraud, Attempted Extortion

Bishop Lamor Whitehead has long been known for living a lavish lifestyle, but his methods have been deemed questionable for quite some time. The Brooklyn preacher was recently found guilty of wire fraud, attempted extortion, and lying to the FBI.

The ruling was made on Monday (March 11) in federal court, AP reports. The preacher, full name Lamor Miller-Whitehead, had been on trial in Manhattan since last February.

He reportedly pillaged a parishioner’s retirement savings for $90,000 under the claim that he would help her find a home and invest the money into real estate. The prosecution claims the money instead went to the clothing and jewelry he is often seen sporting.

Bishop Whitehead also reportedly attempted to coerce a businessman into giving him $500,000 by touting his friendship with Mayor Eric Adams, making it seem like more than what it was. He also sought to capitalize on the real estate market by saying his connections to other city officials would give the businessman an advantage. As for his interactions with the FBI, Whitehead reportedly lied about owning a second cell phone.

Whitehead was known for driving a Rolls Royce and owning a $1 million home in New Jersey, as well as apartment buildings in Connecticut. Dawn Florio, Bishop Lamor Whitehead’s attorney, stated they plan to appeal the verdict. She believes that the evidence brought against him did not suffice to prove his guilt. His sentencing will take place this upcoming July.

Whitehead made headlines in July 2022 when he was robbed for $1 million during a live-streamed church service. No one was hurt, and Whitehead claimed he felt a “demonic force” come upon him right before the robbers entered the church. The infamous robbery made him the subject of Uncle Murda’s “Rap Up” at the end of 2022.

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