Entrepreneurship, life, and the art of the pivot | Chris McAdoo

Our lives and careers don’t move in a straight line. Projects never go as planned and life happens.

I’d argue that it’s the pivots and plot twists that make life interesting in the first place. When we are presented with opportunities for  "big pivot moments"… it’s our chance to put our values into action. A big pivot moment in our lives can be a new opportunity, a big life change/challenge ... a birth, a death, a move, a new relationship, or maybe a combo of several “things” at once.

I faced my own moment of near-death clarity in the summer of 2020, forcing a complete refocusing of my life’s work as a father, husband, artist, and entrepreneur. Thanks to the quick-moving City of Knoxville Fire Department for saving my life. Let’s just say that I always carry an EpiPen now – and I avoid yellowjackets, so I won’t be mowing your lawn anytime soon. If you’d like to learn more about that day, please search YouTube for  my most recent Pecha Kucha talk from November 2021.

With that big life change in mind, I asked several of the most-beloved founders in our community about “big pivot” moments in their lives that inspired them to become entrepreneurs, and/or inspired them to change their businesses in a meaningful way.

Eugenia Almeida
Eugenia Almeida

“I moved to the United States from Argentina over 30 years ago with my husband so he could pursue his career. I realized that I needed to do something for myself – not to just make money but to feel fulfilled and valuable and most of all, happy. As a mother of five children, I wanted to show them that the sky was the limit!” – Eugenia Almeida, A New Hue

Alex Abell
Alex Abell

“I always believed in my company's mission of helping corporate employees feel more engaged and connected, but when the pandemic hit, I was compelled to do more than just slightly adjust course. We completely changed the focus of Lunchpool overnight, pivoting from in-person events for large corporations to virtual ones for nonprofits.” – Alex Abell, LunchPool

Peejay Alexander
Peejay Alexander

“After successfully implementing vendors, strategies, partners, and personnel to help transform a company from one set of services and industry to another, it was apparent that my personal career goals were not in line with the goals of the company. The pivot phrase 'flying too close to the sun' was used one day when pressing these goals. I know I would need to pursue my dreams via a different course. I responded back in turn and said that the company was underutilizing me and it was equivalent to 'flying a kite indoors,' and that led directly to my path as a founder.” - Pee Jay Alexander, Purple Mouse Smart House

Jasmine Ball
Jasmine Ball

“I worked in marketing and saw that one campaign I wrote for my employer generated over $7 million dollars in revenue that year. When I saw that, I said I need to be applying these same strategies towards my own ideas, and that’s when I started taking entrepreneurship seriously.” – Jasmine Ball, BTM Writing Services

Derren Burrell
Derren Burrell

“I transitioned to the private sector after serving in the Air Force, which in itself was a massive change for myself and my family. I thought starting a second career as a COO was going to be a major 'pivot' in adjusting to civilian life, but I didn't know I was in for yet another pivot as an entrepreneur. I became aware of the challenges associated with veteran-owned businesses gaining access to capital, and I felt the tug to remedy this challenge. Veteran Ventures Capital is the result and we continue to adapt, mature, and “pivot” as we scale our fund.” – Derren Burrell, Veteran Ventures

Judith Rosenberg
Judith Rosenberg

“I had the opportunity to start a new branding and communications business with two amazingly creative people, when I wasn't even considering that as an option at the time. I knew that this opportunity was what I wanted my next professional chapter to feel like – true personal control of my destiny. We're four years into the journey, and I've never second guessed my decision.” – Judith Rosenberg, The Thought Bureau


“I’ve seen and experienced the struggles of small business owners and the antiquated thinking from C-Suite Leaders of large corporations, and I had one common realization: None of that had to be MY journey. I wanted to work for a company of my design that put people first always and in all ways. So, I stopped to 'check myself,' evaluated what I viewed to be a quality, respectable business, and created my own company with all of that in mind!” – Halee Sprinkle, Czech Yourself Marketing

Tanika Harper
Tanika Harper

“Growing up in a family of business owners, I've always known that entrepreneurship was in my path, even though I ran from it for a long time. I didn't want to leave the security that the corporate world offered me, until getting laid off, once in 2014 and again in 2018. I knew then that I could find another job or be my own boss and secure my future. The rest is history. I started my entrepreneurial journey and love it here.” – Tanika Harper, Harper’s Naturals and Shora Foundation

Angelique Adams
Angelique Adams

“A year ago, I walked away from my dream job as Chief Innovation Officer at a great multibillion dollar manufacturing firm, with a great team, and a great pipeline of projects. Why? I wanted to walk toward my vision of developing the next generation of inclusive, purpose-driven, science and engineering leaders. In that year, I never thought I would create an Amazon #1 new release and #1 best seller for women in STEM, sell thousands of books, speak to over 1600 people at virtual and in person events, or become a sought-after executive coach for corporate innovation executives and hard-tech founders. I’ve worked really hard. I’ve had hits and misses, and I’ve had incredible support from the Knoxville community.  So thanks, Knoxville.” – Dr. Angelique Adams, Executive Coach to Scientists and Engineers

Kandis Troutman
Kandis Troutman

“The year after my father died, a former supervisor told me to complete a task I did not agree with. When I questioned 'Why?' his response was because “you want to keep your job.” And in that instant, I instinctively responded, "I don’t want or need a job." I knew in that moment that 'a job' was not my end goal. That simple sentence set off a ripple effect in my spirit that made me hyper-conscious of how I wanted to live my life. Entrepreneurship was the only path that would allow me to build a life rooted in my values, purpose, priorities, and allow me to work with like-minded people.” – Kandis Troutman, The Creative Architect

Booth Andrews
Booth Andrews

“In the spring of 2017, I had a choice. I could button myself back up and present myself as a perfectly polished candidate for a very compelling job, or I could tell the truth and allow my truth to sit in public spaces. It was not an easy decision. But ultimately, I knew that I had almost died from sweeping my pain under the rug, and I was no longer willing to present otherwise. And so, in that moment, I chose the freedom of entrepreneurship and started what is now The Booth Andrews Company. I believe our businesses and our dreams are most likely to thrive when we bring our whole, well selves to the table. And that doesn't happen by accident.” – Booth Andrews, The Booth Andrews Company

Jack Neely
Jack Neely

“Somewhere in late middle age, I had what seemed like a steady job as a columnist and editor with a popular, award-winning weekly newspaper. Then a corporation (The E.W. Scripps Company) bought the paper, and for corporate reasons, shut it down. Came in one weekday afternoon and fired the whole editorial staff. Immediately erased our computers including emails and stories written for the next few issues, sent over a guard to watch as we packed up two decades of books and files. I didn't have a job or an income, but I did have a lot of friends who wanted to help.

"We started an educational nonprofit called the Knoxville History Project. Suddenly I was learning the intricacies of boards and bylaws and spreadsheets. With more help, we began publishing articles online and books in print, plus audio tours, video programs, & public-art projects.

"I wouldn't go through that hellstorm again for a million dollars, but seven years later, I'm writing as much as ever, and finding people who still want to read about their city." – Jack Neely, Knoxville History Project

Reico Hopewell
Reico Hopewell

“As an entrepreneur, one of my biggest pivot moments was during the height of COVID in 2020. The men of the organization that I oversee were having a difficult time acquiring employment, so I purchased an S-10 pickup and a pressure washer and started what would become Hopewell’s Helping Hands. I was apprehensive about the new venture - but it has proven to be beneficial for the men, our organization and the Knoxville community. – Reico Hopewell, Hopewell Helping Hands

Tricia Martinez
Tricia Martinez

“Ever since I was young I knew I was an outlier. I thought differently, pushed boundaries, couldn't operate in a traditional setting, and always wanted to do the complete opposite of everyone else. However, the greatest driver of my entrepreneurial journey is my upbringing. I am Mexican, and growing up I had the privilege of traveling back and forth to Mexico City. The disparities I observed were eye opening and confusing. As an American born into a middle class family I felt that I must use my privilege to do something. To this day, I see it as my duty and responsibility to be an entrepreneur and address the problems I see hurting our world." – Tricia Martinez, investor, entrepreneur, activist

Chris McAdoo is Chief of Strategy & Engagement • Artist • Entrepreneurial Evangelist. Connect with Chris at chris@knoxec.net.

This article originally appeared on Knoxville News Sentinel: Knoxville community leaders share their 'big pivot' moments