Equating the 'Right' with fascism doesn't meet the reality of experience

Sunday’s “My Turn” article by. Robert Hilliard was another spin on a vexing issue. Sometimes it seems that the struggle between democracy and fascism is colored by the individual’s personal educational, political, ethical backgrounds and experience.

What started out as an interesting point of view soon was boxed in by the author’s political life experience. It appeared to me that the opinions offered were academic and almost philosophical than the reality faced daily by inhabitants of our planet. Mr. Hilliard did offer reflections from individuals he met but seemed to miss the broader struggles of the needs of the large majorities.

Edward J. Greenan
Edward J. Greenan

The opportunities to create new governmental order after World War I, World War II and the breakup of the Soviet Union were missed due to lack of vision, lack of understanding of democracy and lack of leaders who cared for the principle of the common good. Coupled with populace that were minimally educated and struggled to survive, glib characters promised what they were unwilling to provide. Whereas our 18th century leaders spent decades discussing and learning the pros and cons of democratic needs and actions in forming a republic, even today such talented leaders who sought the welfare of their neighbors are in drastically short supply in parts of Europe, in the Near East, in Africa and in Latin America.

Like Mr. Hilliard, I have lived and spent time in most of Europe, North Africa and parts of Latin America. I have lived under dictators and seen the communist rule firsthand.  What Mr. Hilliard deems the “Right” in America and equates with fascism doesn’t meet the reality of experience. Control of the media/press, ability of free assembly, quashing of contrary opinions; these are the life-blood of fascism, Stalinism, and autocratic state rulers. To me this sounds more like the progressives' approach in the USA in order to keep the voting public in a perpetual darkness.

A final thought. Those countries, such as Germany, that have sought out talented and ethical leaders, have been able to  plow ahead and move beyond their past. As a retired military officer, such operating procedures have been constantly before my eyes. We chose and promoted ability and fitness and willingness to lead.  Age, sex, race nor  religion were  deciding factors. While it may never have been perfect, we sought to push bias aside. With sadness, I watch our political world.

Edward J. Greenan, Ph.D, Captain USN (Ret) is a resident of Fort Myers.

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Equating the 'Right' with fascism doesn't meet reality of experience