Erie conducts geotechnical investigation on Town Center land

May 10—The Town of Erie has conducted a geotechnical investigation on a parcel of property in the new Town Center development, according to a news release from the town.

A geotechnical analysis involves testing of rock and soil at a proposed building site in order to determine what kind of structures the earth can physically support.

The 19.4 acre property was purchased by the town in February from the Regency Realty Group. The Erie Town Center project includes plans to build a new grocery store and hotel in this section of the development.

Located between Erie Parkway and County Line Road at the northwest corner of Town Center, the Regency property is situated at the approximate site of an old coal mine.

The Garfield No. 1 mine was operational from 1884-1897 and produced bituminous and lignite coal. According to the Erie Historical Society, a tailing pile — or the waste materials left behind after coal is extracted from ore — is visible on the property, indicating where the Garfield No. 1 mine once stood.

This isn't the first time that historic mines have posed a roadblock for town development. The nearby Garfield No. 2 mine is located across East County Line Road, near the Erie Community Center. In the Town Center final report, the Garfield No. 2 mine is mentioned as the source of some complications for development of the community center.

"The existence of underminings can have significant implications. For example, the northeast corner of the intersection of Erie Parkway and County Line Road is one such area. The identified tunneling limits development of the Community Center to the eastern portion of the site."

According to a news release, any information provided by the consultant will help to determine the general condition of the mines, and inform the town of any additional mitigation necessary to prepare the site for new development. The existence of the mines may influence certain factors in the development process, including selection of building types and uses.

In the news release, the town said that the geotechnical investigation was to have been completed by the first week of May. Thus far, no results of the investigation have been released by the town.