Erie County Council candidates on the issues: Q&A with 5th Dist. candidate Chris Drexel

Editor's note: A majority of seats on Erie County Council — four of County Council's seven districts — will be decided in the Nov. 7 election. The Erie Times-News/ invited the nine candidates vying to represent citizens in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Districts to briefly state their views on several key issues facing county government. Some answers have been edited for length and/or clarity. Read 5th District candidate Chris Drexel's here. A map of Erie County Council districts can be found at

Chris Drexel, Harborcreek, 5th District, Democrat

1. What would you like voters to know about your background and legislative priorities for Erie County Council?

I'm deeply invested in making sure Erie County remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family. Achieved by bringing stability and positive change to our county government. District 5 requires a representative who genuinely advocates for County Council constituents. My rival consistently aligns with the County Executive, prioritizing personal interests over community welfare. I'll collaborate with council peers to promote transparency and integrity in governance, eliminate dubious practices and and ensure the public's business is deliberated in open meetings. (; Facebook Chris Drexel for Erie County Council District 5.)

2. What is Erie County Council's role in Erie County government? Has council been upholding its mandated powers, procedures and duties, or failing to do so, as some members of the public warn, including former Councilwoman Mary Rennie, who recently resigned over the issue? Are there reforms you would like to implement?

The Erie County Council is dedicated to representing the interests of Erie County residents by acting as their legislative advocate, securing funding for their priorities and essential services as required by law. Four members of council seem to be focused primarily on what the County Executive wants and not the will of the people who elected them to represent their needs. I would push for more accountability and transparency in the decision-making process.

3. What role should county government, taxpayers, municipalities, and the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority play in resolving the EMS crisis, if any? Do you support Erie County Executive Brenton Davis' proposal for a countywide EMS authority?

It is unnecessary for Erie County to establish a fire and EMS authority to manage a problem that is already being effectively handled by local leaders. Furthermore, implementing such an authority would come at the expense of increased taxes, which puts a burden on the hardworking people of Erie County. This action shows a lack of respect for the voices of the people in the community, who have expressed their concerns and opposition.

4. What is your position on Erie County's financial support of Pleasant Ridge Manor? Would you consider privatizing the county's skilled nursing care facility?

Safeguarding Pleasant Ridge Manor's existence is an imperative responsibility. This remarkable facility plays a crucial role in providing housing for the most vulnerable members of our community, including those who are indigent and incapable of self-care. Preserving its services ensures that we continue to offer a haven for those in need, fostering a sense of security and dignity for our elderly population. I would be against privatizing Pleasant Ridge Manor at this time.

5. The distribution of Erie County's American Rescue Plan Act funding became an ongoing source of contention amid County Executive Davis' push to reallocate roughly $26 million in ARP funds previously budgeted by Erie County Council. What is the purpose of ARP funding and how should it be invested in Erie County?

The funds have a dual purpose: not only to address the immediate impacts of the pandemic but also to lay the foundation for a brighter future for our city. They have been allocated to safeguard lives, promote the well-being and housing stability of our residents, and bolster our educational institutions and small businesses. These resources are intended to generate a lasting and positive transformation.

6. Can Erie County government do more to retain and grow service at the Erie International Airport? Do you support the Erie Regional Chamber and Growth Partnership's recent proposal for a public-private $1 million Fly Erie Fund to lure carriers back to Erie?

Public-private partnerships and incentive funds, like the Fly Erie Fund, are commonly used to attract airlines and expand air service. Effectiveness of these strategies depends on factors such as local market demand, competition from nearby airports, and the financial incentives provided to airlines. We need a comprehensive evaluation of its specifics, advantages, and potential drawbacks, considering the community's objectives and priorities. We must ensure alignment with community interests and long-term sustainability. The decision making should involve public discussion and expert analysis.

7. In April, a majority of Erie County Council voted to divert gaming revenues that were meant in part to help the county meet its local financial obligation to the Erie County Community College. The money was used to shore up a depleted EMS grant fund. Given the many demands on county funds, what is the best strategy to ensure county government upholds its financial commitment to the college?

To secure our commitment to Erie County Community College employ strategies like transparent communication, legal safeguards, and budget accountability. Establish a dedicated budget line for the college, diversify revenue sources, and engage the community in support. Advocate for state-level funding, conduct regular financial reviews, and seek grants and partnerships. Encourage college efficiency and involve the public in budgeting decisions. These steps ensure a sustainable financial future for the college amid competing demands on county funds.

8. As A.J. Rao reported, a dispute between Erie County Council and County Executive Davis over the 2023 budget was left unresolved, and Davis reversed $400,000 in spending cuts that council had made to Davis' proposed budget. How should this be addressed? If elected, how would you approach management of taxpayer money and council's budgeting authority?

To begin, it's important to note that the County Executive lacks the authority to modify the budget once it has received the council's approval. As a council member, my primary duty is to exercise prudent fiscal management, demonstrating a commitment to responsible financial stewardship. It is crucial to appreciate the challenges faced by all residents of Erie County, as we strive to make sound financial decisions that respect their hard-earned tax contributions.

9. What role does transparency play in effective government? If elected, how would you remain engaged with your constituents?

I pledge to be a steadfast, independent voice for our community. I will not be swayed by the County Executive nor will I simply endorse everything proposed by Brenton Davis. Instead, I will actively represent the concerns and ideas of my constituents at the voting table, ensuring their voices are heard. I firmly believe that honesty and transparency are fundamental for establishing trust and accountability in government. I am ready to answer for my voting decisions.

More: What a proposed change in the Pa. primary date means for voters: Pa. Pressroom

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Erie County Council 5th Dist. candidate Chris Drexel Q & A