Erie's community revitalization push continues as city seeks new planning director

Sustain momentum.

Get citizens involved.

Identify barriers.

Benchmark the results.

During her four years as the city of Erie’s director of planning and neighborhood resources, those were daily priorities for Kathy Wyrosdick in terms of regional planning, transformational development and fortifying neighborhoods.

As Mayor Joe Schember’s point person for the implementation of Erie Refocused, the city's comprehensive, multiyear development plan, Wyrosdick routinely met with the region's community, business and government leaders to both explain and sell the city’s revitalization agenda.

That blueprint included strengthening the neighborhoods surrounding Erie's bayfront and downtown to help attract new amenities and businesses; demolishing dilapidated housing citywide; looking for new ways to promote and secure private investment for community development; focusing on Erie's historic landmarks; creating new green space; and helping neighborhood organizations build the capacity to launch their own improvements.

Under Wyrosdick's watch, many of the recommendations within Erie Refocused, launched in 2016, became reality.

5 years of Erie Refocused:Comprehensive plan remains blueprint for community revitalization

Then Schember gave Wyrosdick even more responsibility as part of a reconfiguration of city operations.

Wyrosdick was selected to oversee the city's new Department of Planning and Neighborhood Resources. The move merged zoning, code enforcement, the city's arborist and sustainability programs with the city's planning operations for the first time, to better align those components of city government with Erie Refocused.

Reorganization:Mayor proposes new department

Now, as the comprehensive plan continues to drive the city's community development agenda, Schember’s administration is conducting a nationwide search for Wyrosdick’s replacement.

Wyrosdick left her job in late May to accept a new position as a private-sector consultant with the Harrisburg office of Michael Baker International, a Pittsburgh-based engineering and consulting firm.

City planning:Kathy Wyrosdick is leaving in May. Here's why

Kathy Wyrosdick, the city's former director of planning and neighborhood resources, at the northwest corner of West 12th and Cascade streets - with a blighted business in the background - in this September 2020 file photo.
Kathy Wyrosdick, the city's former director of planning and neighborhood resources, at the northwest corner of West 12th and Cascade streets - with a blighted business in the background - in this September 2020 file photo.

The loss is seen as significant for city government given Wyrosdick’s wide-ranging duties, her ability to think critically and the way Wyrosdick juggled multiple projects.

“It’s vital that we find someone who is a good fit in terms of their qualifications, experience, personality, creative problem-solving/entrepreneurial mindset, and management style,” said Renee Lamis, Schember’s chief of staff.

Lamis said five candidates for the position have been interviewed thus far. The process includes both in-person and/or interviews via videoconference, and various city department heads are providing input.

Lamis did not identify the candidates.

City officials hope to have Wyrosdick’s replacement hired in July, Lamis said, and she stressed that the city will not rush the hiring process.

The job is expected to pay between $75,000 and $87,000 annually, based on the chosen candidate’s experience and qualifications.

The position's yearly salary was budgeted at $87,138 for 2022.

Erie's planning director:'You have to prioritize'

“This is a significant role within the City of Erie,” Lamis said.

Until a new planning director is hired, Lamis will help coordinate some planning work, including blight removal.

Erie-based consultant Jim Fiorenzo, a former chief executive at UPMC Hamot, is helping city officials recruit a new planning director and will assist the new director, once hired, with transitioning into the job.

Wyrosdick, who left Erie for personal reasons, said she expects the city to find a capable, forward-thinking new director. She is also optimistic that local leaders will continue to move Erie forward in her absence.

“I am still blown away by this community and the potential it has,” Wyrosdick said.

“What’s happening now is a lot more outreach, a lot more collaboration between various groups, and an effort to really try to understand the issues different areas of the city have and to try to come up with data-driven solutions to those issues. I believe that will continue because now there’s a commitment to that approach.”

When Erie Refocused was unveiled, it drew comparisons in some circles to planning work done in the early 1900s by urban planner John Nolen, who came to Erie from Cambridge, Massachusetts, at the request of local officials to study Erie’s architecture, streets, railroads, parks and the bayfront.

Nolen published his recommendations in a book titled "Greater Erie 1913: Plans and Reports for the Extension and Improvement of the City."

Those recommendations included greater public ownership of waterfront property, which largely became a reality; designating Presque Isle as a state park, something that happened in 1921; and creating a city streetcar or trolley system, which was not adopted.

While Erie Refocused and the Nolen plan are different documents drafted at different times, the concepts behind them are similar.

“Planning is about understanding what the consensus is around our future,” Wyrosdick said.  “You need someone who not only understands that, but can operationalize around the ideas.”

'Trajectory of the city'

The city’s new planning director will be charged with both building on the comprehensive plan’s initial phase of suggested improvements — known as the Erie Refocused Action Plan — and helping to chart the course for more long-range projects.

Made public in February 2017, the action plan outlined improvements recommended in Erie Refocused that could be launched/completed within five years.

Many of those recommendations have been launched or are in the works, including creation of the city’s Land Bank to deal with blighted properties; the development of a database and GIS system that analyzes land use within city limits; and technology upgrades for city code enforcement employees.

“Those are the tools we desperately need in order to visualize different scenarios, to understand what the trajectory of the city is and to then figure out how to create interventions so we can pivot in the right direction,” Wyrosdick said.

The action plan also spawned public-private partnerships fueled by new financing methods such as tax credit programs and tax increment financing for historic districts.

The Erie Downtown Development Corp.’s improvements near Perry Square, including new apartments, a fresh-food market and a food hall featuring a mix of local food vendors are examples.

The city has also created a Historic Preservation Task Force to help preserve historic buildings and assets in the city; installed new bicycle paths, walking trails, and park improvements; launched downtown streetlight, sidewalk and parking upgrades, along with updated parking meter technology; and set aside a little more than $15 million in federal American Rescue Plan dollars to fund various housing-related improvements that the Erie Redevelopment Authority will oversee.

"One of the things Kathy accomplished was creating structures and policies and frameworks that brought people together to address these issues,” said Anna Frantz, executive director of Our West Bayfront, a nonprofit neighborhood organization launched in 2016 to boost the quality of life in Erie’s west bayfront neighborhoods.

Anna Frantz, the executive director of Our West Bayfront.
Anna Frantz, the executive director of Our West Bayfront.

Frantz said she hopes the city’s new planning director can be effective on multiple platforms, including working with elected officials, navigating local, state and national policy that affects planning, and understanding the various types of funding available for community projects.

“It’s important that it be a person who is going to put in a lot of hard work, someone who understands the different ways people look at all of these issues like blight or historic preservation or the challenges faced by neighborhoods,” Frantz said.

Looking forward

Paul Gambill hopes the city’s new planning director pays even more attention to neglected neighborhoods, particularly those in central Erie.

“I wasn’t much of a fan of Kathy Wyrosdick,” said Gambill, who lives in the 2300 block of Holland Street.

Gambill is also a spokesman for and founder of the Central City Neighborhood Watch, which covers an area roughly from East 18th to East 26th streets, between Parade and State streets.

Gambill and others living in that area have previously claimed that Schember’s administration has largely ignored many eastside neighborhoods, while the east and west bayfront and the city’s downtown receive significant community development funding and other assistance from the city and entities such as Gannon University, Erie Insurance and UPMC Hamot.

The median yearly household income in the Central City group's footprint is less than $23,000 and roughly half the residents there live below the federal poverty line, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.

Further, more than 60% of residents are renters and the median value of owner-occupied homes is $41,000, census data shows.

“We have expanding blight in this area and problems with things like curbs and sidewalks,” Gambill said. “We’re still waiting for a lot of that to get addressed through Erie Refocused and by the city. Economically, and when it comes to neighborhood revitalization, this area is being left behind.”

Asked what he wants to see in a new city planning director, Gambill said: “Someone who is responsive and has an understanding of Erie’s history and the importance of Erie’s east side. All of our neighborhoods have to be included in this. If the core of the city rots, that’s just going to spread.”

Wyrosdick hears Gambill’s concerns.

She said that as Erie Refocused and other planning priorities move forward, she expects an even greater focus on building capacity within neighborhood organizations citywide.

That is a key reason why city officials invested more than $40,000 in ARP funds in the new Love Your Block program, she said, which provides grants and other assistance to neighborhood groups for various revitalization projects.

“We are committed to helping to build up the neighborhood groups. We know many of them need more support,” Wyrosdick said.

Erie City Council President Liz Allen is watching the search closely.

“We need someone who understands (those) issues,” Allen said. “The next planning director will have to be able to work with the movers and shakers, but also be responsive to the regular folks who live in our neighborhoods.”

Erie City Councilwoman Liz Allen.
Erie City Councilwoman Liz Allen.

Allen said older cities like Erie face myriad issues such as blight, how to effectively redevelop industrial sites, affordable housing and lack of transportation for many residents.

The city and its new planning director, Allen said, must also continue to keep track of results, set goals and timetables and embrace accountability to make sure projects don't stagnate.

“The next city planner will have to be vigilant to make sure that we follow Erie Refocused but also nimble enough to update the goals outlined in our comprehensive plan,” Allen said.

Wyrosdick believes Schember’s administration will find the right fit.

“Leadership needs to continue to come together in a major way and everybody needs to be on board in terms of what the next major moves are over the long term,” Wyrosdick said. “That’s what planning really does. It helps you understand what the issues are today, where you want to be headed and the best ways to get there.”

Contact Kevin Flowers at Follow him on Twitter at @ETNflowers.

This article originally appeared on Erie Times-News: Kathy Wyrosdick is gone. What does Erie need in new planning director?