Ethan Crumbley: Can parents be held responsible when kids face murder charges? | Mike Kelly

Ethan Crumbley was a troubled loner. No doubt about it. And when he emerged from a Michigan high school bathroom two weeks ago and fired a .9 mm Sig Sauer semi-automatic pistol at other children, he clearly acted alone in pulling the trigger, killing four students and wounding seven others, authorities allege.

But was anyone else responsible?

That question is now at the heart of the latest chapter in America’s gun control debate. This may turn out to be the most momentous chapter on whether the nation can finally come to grips with controlling the weapons that are used far too often in mass shootings.

Within hours after the suspect set off on what authorities said was a mass murder spree with a gun designed to hold numerous bullets and fire easily, something unusual took place. The prosecutor in the suburban Detroit community of Oakland County said that while Crumbley, 15, was the sole killer, the boy’s parents created an environment that essentially supported his murder spree. In other words, mom and dad enabled their kid to kill, the prosecutor said.

Booking photograph of Ethan Crumbley, arrested and charged as an adult in the Oxford High School shooting on November 30, 2021.
Booking photograph of Ethan Crumbley, arrested and charged as an adult in the Oxford High School shooting on November 30, 2021.

With Ethan Crumbley facing murder charges, his parents, Jennifer and James Crumbley, were charged with involuntary manslaughter. The evidence against them included:

  • Their alleged failure to store their son’s gun in a locked safe;

  • Their reported failure to sound alarms with police and school authorities over their son’s increasingly threatening statements and;

  • Their failure to disclose his sudden desire to buy a large quantity of bullets.

If convicted, they could go to prison for years with their son.

What happened next seems like a plot from a crime movie.

Not long after the charges against them were announced, Jennifer and James Crumbley skipped town, police said. A police fugitive team organized a manhunt that included FBI agents and U.S. Marshals. After a day of searching, the couple was apprehended after they entered an empty commercial building in Detroit. After being brought back to Oakland County, they pleaded not guilty.

Geoffrey Fieger, lawyer of Jeffrey and Brandi Franz who are parents of Riley and Bella Franz, gestures to a photo of James and Jennifer Crumbley, who are the parents of Oxford High School Shooter Ethan Crumbley, as he holds a press conference to announce the two federal $100 million lawsuits he has filed in their name at his office in Southfield on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021.

Their fate will eventually rest in the hands of a judge and jury. But the fundamental question at the heart of their involuntary manslaughter charges will surely linger — just as such questions have lingered in the wake of previous mass shootings with kids or adults.

The memorized pattern

By now, it's become a familiar pattern, ingrained in our national culture.

A single gunman — usually a man and usually alone — attacks innocent and unarmed people in some sort of public place. In Orlando, it was a gay night club. In Pittsburgh, it was a synagogue. In Aurora, Colorado, a movie theater. In Sandy Hook, Connecticut, an elementary school. In Charleston, an African American church. In Las Vegas, a country music festival.

And on and on.

Mass shootings are now the new normal in America. When the blood flows, cable TV news generates round-the-clock coverage. Somber people gather to sing “Amazing Grace” and light candles. Liberal politicians mutter fresh calls for gun control. Conservatives mutter fresh demands for gun freedom and the need to preserve the Second Amendment, which was written when America’s most dangerous weapon was a single-shot musket.

It’s a foolish circle game. And, as well all know too well, nothing changes.

But beyond the cacophony of despair, frustration, indignity and self-righteousness that envelops the aftermath of so many mass shootings, another narrative often emerges.

It’s the story of how the killer came to reach a point where he — yes, generally, it’s a man — loaded up a semi-automatic firearm that was designed for cops or soldiers, and guns down innocent people who are merely dancing or praying or watching a movie or cheering a music performance or trying to learn the alphabet in a first grade class.

As this familiar narrative unfolds, we often learn that the killer, while clearly a loner with deep emotional problems, was sending off ominous warning signs. Maybe it was racist or antisemitic statements. Maybe it was an obsession with firearms that included buying an alarming amount of guns and ammunition. Perhaps it was just an aura of anger that seems to shadow some killers. Or perhaps it was a desire for military helmets and body armor -- a need to pretend to be a camo-clad soldier-wannabe -- a "suburban commando."

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America has long tolerated strange obsessions. That’s part of our fundamental sense of freedom and the belief that you can pretty much do what you please — as long as you don’t break the law. But now law enforcement authorities in Michigan are raising a challenge that could send the parents of an alleged killer to jail.

Can the charges stick?

At the heart of the involuntary manslaughter charges against Jennifer and James Crumbley is the supposition that they should not have handed a gun to their seemingly troubled son. And even if they did not notice that he was battling emotional demons before they bought him a gun on Black Friday as an early Christmas present, they should have drawn a line when they were summoned to school after a teacher found a scary drawing by the boy, prosecutors say. The drawing included images of a gun, a depiction of a person who had been shot and a laughing emoji accompanied by two worrisome messages: “Blood everywhere” and “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me.”

A day earlier, another teacher found Ethan Crumbley hunched over his computer and searching for a way to buy ammunition from a website.

Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of Ethan Crumbley, were named in warrants issued today charging them with four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Tuesday's shooting that killed four students and wounded six other students
and a teacher.
Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of Ethan Crumbley, were named in warrants issued today charging them with four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Tuesday's shooting that killed four students and wounded six other students and a teacher.

Ethan Crumbley’s parents apparently found nothing disturbing – certainly nothing that caused them to lock up their kid’s new gun. After learning of Ethan Crumbley’s search for ammunition, Jennifer Crumbley texted her son: “LOL. I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught.”

Apparently school officials did not seem bothered either — certainly not troubled enough to send the boy home or call police.

As the parents met with school officials the next day to discuss the violent drawings, Ethan Crumbley already had the gun in his backpack. Not long after his parents left him at school, he entered a bathroom, pulled the gun from his backpack and started firing, prosecutors said. Ethan Crumbley already had a nickname for his gun: "My new beauty."

Oakland County Prosecutor Karen D. McDonald was furious, essentially asking why no one noticed such clear warning signs.

“I am in no way saying that an active shooter situation should always result in a criminal prosecution against parents, but the facts of this case are so egregious,” McDonald said. “I’m angry as a mother, I’m angry as a prosecutor, I’m angry as a person that lives in this county. I’m angry. There were a lot of things that could have been so simple to prevent.”

Specifically addressing Ethan Crumbley's drawing with the alarming sentiments, McDonald added: “The notion that a parent could read those words and also know their son had access to a deadly weapon that they gave him, is unconscionable, and I think it’s criminal.”

This isn’t the first time law enforcement officials raised such concerns.

After 13 students were gunned down in April 1999 by two boys who then took their own lives at a high school in Columbine, Colorado, police and prosecutors investigated the parents. Similar investigations took place after other shootings. But criminal charges were as rare as meaningful changes in gun laws.

In the wake of the murders of 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in December 2012, families of the slain children sued the maker of the military-style rifle used by the killer. That lawsuit is still pending.

Arresting parents or filing lawsuits is not a sure-bet solution to stopping mass killings. But it broadens the reach of responsibility.

Yes, the killers may be loners.

But plenty of people should have noticed the warning signs.

Pay attention to what is now happening in Michigan. It may turn out to be a solution to America's gun problem.

Mike Kelly is an award-winning columnist for To get unlimited access to his insightful thoughts on how we live life in New Jersey, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.


Twitter: @mikekellycolumn

This article originally appeared on Oxford High School Shooting: Ethan Crumbley parents responsible?